extras in my Programs Files
western Canada
When I click my C drive and click on Programs List, I have all these "things" listed (see image below). I'm pretty sure they're important but I don't believe they belong in my Programs. I've no idea what they're for & whether to be concerned that they are located where they are, nor how I got them there and finally what I should do about them or simply leave them alone.
Appreciate any input.
Appreciate any input.
Those entries seem to various components of "leadtools", PDF, and other graphics applications. Care to post a screenshot of your running processes?
2) click on "Processes" tab
3) expand the window to reveal all
4) alt+PrtScn keys to take a snapshot of the window
5) got to MS Paint, "Paint" in Accessories
6) select Edit, and "Paste" from drop-down menu
7) save the file as jpeg and post it here
I think you are in good shape.
Ok, now you know how to check processes - what's running on your computer at any given moment. If you don't understand any of those entries, just do an Internet search. If you do a Google search, don't pay much attention to the first one or two links, it's usually a crap site that just wants you to run their stupid scanner.
You now also know how to do a screenshot! You've learned a lot today.
Another lesson learned
Program Files image on my pc :
Running Processes on my pc :
Have you recently installed either of the following programs Microsoft Picture It or Microsoft Greetings.
If so, do you still have the cd/dvd that the program came on?
First : Just to confirm
Do you still have the registration details, i.e. cd key, if it needed one.
If the answer is yes, we can proceed to remove the program. Which in turn should remove some if not all of those files from your program listing.
Second: We need - To open Add or Remove Programs, click Start, click Control Panel, and then double-click Add or Remove Programs.
A new screen will open - please wait while it populates the list of programs.
Third: Click on the Add Remove icon
Fourth :If you then scroll down to the program Microsoft Picture It or Microsoft Greetings, then
highlight the program by clicking once on it.
Should look like this Click on image to enlarge
Fifth: Then click on the remove button. - An additional New small screen appears stating
--Are you sure you want to remove (program name) from your computer? --
Click the Yes button, then follow any further instructions.
Sixth: You may be asked to restart your computer to complete the removal of the program, please do so.
Seventh: Please let us have a new screenshot of your program listing after restarting your pc.
Maybe I'll try removing ALL of the Microsoft Works Suite 2002 as I have the product key and all the program discs. If it does remove those extras files, I may not even reload the Works Suite. I'll have to review everything to see if I use any of the programs in the suite any more, seeing it's so old.
Well I'll just have to dive back into the haystack!
if you open these in Notepad do they indicate which program.
Also I see that you have EyeCandy5Textures is this a legit plugin or .....?
Well what difference does it make which "folder" they are in as to whether or not my pc runs properly. I mean if they are just floating around in my program list wouldn't being in temp folder be the same?
not sure what you mean? It's a program I can use with umm can't remember, but I used it a few times...lol. (I think I used it with my Jasc PSP software.)
It matters because your system will not be able to find them.
Here's the thing:
The 'folder' that that the files are in, are not looked at the same way by the computer... To you it looks like the files are just in a different location on the drive, and that the computer should see them the same wherever they are, but to the computer the 'folder' that the file is in is the 'path' of the file, which is actually part of the file name.
For example if you move a file from the program files folder to ta temp folder, it just looks like a cahnge in location to you, but the computer sees this name difference:
C:\Program Files\Stoopid File.exe -> C:\Temp Folder\Stoopid File.exe
(technically the file names are all stil 8.3 format, but that's not important to the example) Once that name is changed, the OS can't see it as the same file anymore... It might be able to search for it, if it thinks it needs it, but if it does that, it will tell you that it is doing it.
So, once you move those, you might run into ''C:\Program Files\Stoopid File.exe' not found' errors, and that will let you know which operations were using that file.
is that the real name or is that a file for someone like me?
Anyways what's you're thoughts about reformatting to solve this extra stuff.