Which mobo should I buy?

saltydog806saltydog806 Bowie MD
edited March 2007 in Hardware
I’m putting together a new rig (hopefully on the cheap) and have decided to go with an amd 939 mobo. I don’t need any great power however I would like to be able to upgrade and also play new release games. Of the following which mobo would you recommend?

1.ASUS A8N-SLI Premium

2. ASUS A8R32-MVP Deluxe

<O:p3.ASUS M2N-SLI Deluxe AiLifestyle Series - motherboard - ATX - nForce 570 SLI

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0><TBODY><TR class=listRowOdd vAlign=top><TD class=columnPicture>

</TD><TD class=columnDescription>4.ASUS A8N32-SLI Deluxe Socket AMD Motherboard - Retail

I want to keep the cost of the mobo at $200.00 or less but since I plan on keeping this for a while I don’t want to skimp on it. Any additional recommendations on mobo, minimum cpu , Video cardand make of ram (I will get 2 gigs) would also be appreciated.:respect:


  • saltydog806saltydog806 Bowie MD
    edited March 2007
    No longer needed
  • LeonardoLeonardo Wake up and smell the glaciers Eagle River, Alaska Icrontian
    edited March 2007
    Saltydog, there is no need to close threads. Sometimes they take on a life of their own. (I've reopened the thread)
  • saltydog806saltydog806 Bowie MD
    edited March 2007
    :cool2: WUFF:cool2:
  • ins4n17yins4n17y Cabanatuan City, Philippines Icrontian
    edited March 2007
    I’m putting together a new rig (hopefully on the cheap) and have decided to go with an amd 939 mobo. I don’t need any great power however I would like to be able to upgrade and also play new release games. Of the following which mobo would you recommend?

    1.ASUS A8N-SLI Premium

    2. ASUS A8R32-MVP Deluxe

    <O:p3.ASUS M2N-SLI Deluxe AiLifestyle Series - motherboard - ATX - nForce 570 SLI

    <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0><TBODY><TR class=listRowOdd vAlign=top><TD class=columnPicture>

    </TD><TD class=columnDescription>4.ASUS A8N32-SLI Deluxe Socket AMD Motherboard - Retail

    I want to keep the cost of the mobo at $200.00 or less but since I plan on keeping this for a while I don’t want to skimp on it. Any additional recommendations on mobo, minimum cpu , Video cardand make of ram (I will get 2 gigs) would also be appreciated.:respect:

    i would buy the DFi Lanparty NF4 Ultra-D here: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813136152

    i think thats what its called i would get THAT DFi over the ASUS ANY DAY OF THE WEEK, it's skt 939 as well and its got good features. There is a DFi as well with that model number that also does SLi. However, choosing from the list i'd take the first one, the A8N SLi Premium. Theres your advice. enjoy!
  • LeonardoLeonardo Wake up and smell the glaciers Eagle River, Alaska Icrontian
    edited March 2007
    Why are you putting money on new equipment that is already essentially old generation? Why not save a bit more money and go Core 2 Duo? Believe me, I do know the urge to upgrade! If you must upgrade now, consider sourcing used parts. Save your money for Core 2 Duo or even quad core - AMD or Intel.
  • ins4n17yins4n17y Cabanatuan City, Philippines Icrontian
    edited March 2007
    Leonardo wrote:
    Why are you putting money on new equipment that is already essentially old generation? Why not save a bit more money and go Core 2 Duo? Believe me, I do know the urge to upgrade! If you must upgrade now, consider sourcing used parts. Save your money for Core 2 Duo or even quad core - AMD or Intel.

    look, i appreciate what you just said. you're right btw, however keep in mind that older tech, if chosen wisely can still be effective. remember that this guy is on a budget and laid out a list of skt 939 products. just cause something is new doesn't necessarily mean its better. anyone willing to go grab dual core should be smart enough to wait for barcelona or quaddies in the summer, which as time flies by isn't so far ahead. however, in spite of all that updates and bug fixes usually occur on products that have made its way into the market and if you want something solid and don't want to be the victim of glitches of newer hardware if i were me, i'd get the DFi board. but thats just me. besides xp wasn't designed for multicore anyways and vista the only true multicore mainstream os still needs service packs to be useable.
  • LeonardoLeonardo Wake up and smell the glaciers Eagle River, Alaska Icrontian
    edited March 2007
    just cause something is new doesn't necessarily mean its better.
    That's why I suggested buying used parts! You can do major upgrades for very reasonable outlays. Of my last 8 motherboards and CPUs, two motherboards and only 1 CPU have been retail, the rest were through forums or eBay. 939 has a lot of power still, but I wouldn't buy it new. D9xx series CPUs overclock like crazy and are rock solid performers, but I wouldn't buy them new either!
  • ins4n17yins4n17y Cabanatuan City, Philippines Icrontian
    edited March 2007
    Leonardo wrote:
    That's why I suggested buying used parts! You can do major upgrades for very reasonable outlays. Of my last 8 motherboards and CPUs, two motherboards and only 1 CPU have been retail, the rest were through forums or eBay. 939 has a lot of power still, but I wouldn't buy it new. D9xx series CPUs overclock like crazy and are rock solid performers, but I wouldn't buy them new either!

    thats so true i usually snipe it off ebay. i got a cpu for $35 once. lol
  • saltydog806saltydog806 Bowie MD
    edited March 2007
    :bigggrin: Thanks for the replies. I was going to go used parts and thought the 939 mobo would let me expand, upgrade for a time. As luck has it my brother is giving me a HP Pavilion Media Center a1640n Desktop PC :hair: .He's a good brother. Now I have to learn about intell and the core 2 Duo (a good problem 2 have).When I have more time I'll put my specs up. It comes w/a 300 watt psu and onboard video, these will be my first concerns along with better cooling.Did I say he's a good brother?:tongue:
  • LeonardoLeonardo Wake up and smell the glaciers Eagle River, Alaska Icrontian
    edited March 2007
    You do have a good brother! You will enjoy that machine, but as I'm sure you already know, do not expect much out of the onboard video. Also (I'm sure you know!) forget about overclocking. That can still be a quite fast machine if you sort through all the unneeded HP factory-loaded garbageware and unneeded services.
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