Folding #'s T2600
California Icrontian
I just want to make sure I understand this correctly... EM III says my C2D is folding at 861.168 PPW and at 123.024 PPD per core. Is something not right? Should these cores be pushing out more points per day?
Have you tried using FahMon instead? It doesn't do that per-core nonsense.
The Fan is usually on witht he CPU running 100% It is completing frames in a timely manner I just don't knwo why it is not pushing more points out
I don't know why it'd not pushing out more points, but honestly that's about the same as my Opteron pushed out with two instances of the regular single-core client, and you're doing it with 300 less MHz. Personally, I'd be satisfied with around 1700 PPW from one computer