Problem with a Seagate 320GB HD

edited April 2007 in Hardware
Going to go over everything that's happened in the last two months, since that's where the problem began. Mid January, my old primary hard drive failed, with no warning. My secondary drive ended up being fine, but because I had no way to backup everything there, when I bought the new drive it was assigned the primary role. I bought a Seagate 320GB IDE HD about mid January, about a day or two after my old primary failed. Got it in, and Windows XP pro up, as well as all updates, and took it upstairs.

Two weeks latter, that's when my problems began. Windows could NOT see the new HD. So the box was taken downstairs for trouble shooting. But once it's down there, the drive is fine, it works. The cables are checked, everything seems to be fine, shrug it off as a loose cable.

Take it back up, everything is fine until another two weeks pass. The SAME thing happens. Now, up to this point the new HD have lost NOTHING. Everything works fine once this HD decides to work.

This time the cables to the HD are replaces, still it's seems to be working fine, so back upstairs it goes. Only some windows files are missing. No reason that anyone can see, but there are some. I get constant warnings about file x, y or z missing, and I cannot repair the install because some files don't copy from the CD to the hard drive for a repair.

I've begun backing up all files to an external hard drive at this point, because it's looking more and more like it's gonna go all together again. Now, three weeks after this is where things really start going down hill. AGAIN the drive vanishes, again it's taken down, cables are checked, scan of the drive is done, everything checks out.

At this point the primary and secondary drives are flipped over, so that my new drive is the secondary and my old drive (Which has not to date in this saga given me a problem) because my primary. So things go along fine until tonight. For the FOURTH TIME in less then 3 months the drive goes. Only unlike the other three dissaperances it doesn't wait till a reset or power off. It goes mid way though a session when I was working on the PC, and froze the entire thing up.

Now the computer is still running because the old drive works. But windows doesn't see the secondary drive. Nor dose DOS nor dose device manager. I'm convinced there's an issue with the drive, as the cables have been replaces once already, and checked every other time this has happened. However the one who put the drive in, and ran the disk check says he thinks it's something else, as the disk check comes back fine. This setup had been running fine for over two years before the hard drive failed. Never had a problem like this until the new hard drive. No other hardware or major software changes have been made, except for the occasional change in games I play.

I run Zone Alarm, Defender, AVG, as well as running two other anti-spyware programs once a week or so. I have no idea what else to do at this point. I got ahold of Seagate's drive checker, but if the computer can't see the drive I can't run that. And the other checks always come back fine.


  • LeonardoLeonardo Wake up and smell the glaciers Eagle River, Alaska Icrontian
    edited March 2007
    Try setting both drives' jumpers to Cable Select, if you haven't already done so. You might also try different data cables. Maybe jostling the computer is causing the cables to seat better when you carry it downstairs.
  • edited March 2007
    That the things. We've changed the cables once already, and the cables are now the ones that were working with the old primary drive. The one that failed on me. Short of taking it apart and checking the cables up here, not sure what else to do. I'm starting to wonder if it's a bad connection with the cables on the drive's side.
  • edited April 2007
    Okay, apprently the power cable was loose. THIS TIME the problem could be replicated by the time it reached downstairs. So the new test is will the power cable work or not.
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