WU Ends Early. 7 points
Houston, TX Member
Does this mean my CPU/RAM/Something is unstable?
[11:01:18] Writing local files
[11:01:18] Completed 2900000 out of 5000000 steps (58)
[11:12:33] Gromacs cannot continue further.
[11:12:33] Going to send back what have done.
[11:12:33] logfile size: 79180
[11:12:33] - Writing 79716 bytes of core data to disk...
[11:12:33] ... Done.
[11:12:33] Folding@home Core Shutdown: EARLY_UNIT_END
[11:12:36] CoreStatus = 72 (114)
[11:12:36] Sending work to server
Also, I got 7 points for this WU. Is that what's given for any unfinished WU, or are points given only once a certain point is reached? Does each WU have different points for an early end?
[11:01:18] Writing local files
[11:01:18] Completed 2900000 out of 5000000 steps (58)
[11:12:33] Gromacs cannot continue further.
[11:12:33] Going to send back what have done.
[11:12:33] logfile size: 79180
[11:12:33] - Writing 79716 bytes of core data to disk...
[11:12:33] ... Done.
[11:12:33] Folding@home Core Shutdown: EARLY_UNIT_END
[11:12:36] CoreStatus = 72 (114)
[11:12:36] Sending work to server
Also, I got 7 points for this WU. Is that what's given for any unfinished WU, or are points given only once a certain point is reached? Does each WU have different points for an early end?
If it keeps happening, try deleting all the FAH cores.
I have had bad core downloads in the past.
Dust bunnies make good insulators