Partion 2
New York state
My dad works for this business and they told him to split the computer in half (install windows on partions1 and 2) but he didn't know how to do that and basicaly he left his laptop were we live. and he is on a little vacation so he told me to figure out how to do it and so i was like yea. but i know how to get to the the partion menu but i dont know what to do from there. Also he needs this done in 1 week because they needed to give it to his new partner or some thing like that so its kinda important and well hope some one helps.
Take the XP CD, put it in... begin the Windows setup, eventually you'll come to the partition setup area and it should give you all the details needed, you'll need to remove the current partitions(this will delete everything on the drive), create two different partitions and install Windows on partition 1, then once it's done you should be able to do it again but this time install it on partition 2.
Well i did what you said and realized that i would need to delete partion 1 but ok well this is every thing.. Sorry bor bad spelling. Ok, well i need the curent partion. i need to divide the C:/ drive in half with out deleteing any thing i basicaly needed to keep every thing on the C:/ then i need to divide it in half so i can then install 2 copys of windows on it.