I've saw people oc the 1700+ to 2.4-2.5 on air stable. And for the price/performance ratio, you can't beat it. I got one coming my way right now for my next build.
Originally posted by Clutch I've saw people oc the 1700+ to 2.4-2.5 on air stable. And for the price/performance ratio, you can't beat it. I got one coming my way right now for my next build.
I assume you are referring to the "B" version. I think a 2400-B can be bought for less than $100 bucks now. That's what I thought I might get instead of the 1700-1800/B.
Unlocks the AMD chips XMultiplyer settings without hardware mod, got my XP2500 as an XP3000 on air. Could push further, 2500Mhz was around as hard as I could push it, just need a few fans in the case and it will be stable.
Originally posted by Coaster ABIT KD7 and XP 2500+ Barton Chip
Unlocks the AMD chips XMultiplyer settings without hardware mod, got my XP2500 as an XP3000 on air. Could push further, 2600Mhz was around as hard as I could push it, just need a few fans in the case and it will be stable.
That is the mobo I am considering. I've heard a few people say the 2500+ Barton overclocks well. I'm not a "serious" overclocker, but I like to get more out of it than "stock".
Thanks for the replies guys!
//edit: Just checked Newegg and the 2500+ is $96 shipped. Sweet! I might just have to say: Happy Father's Day to me...LOL!
Threw out my Soundblaster Live card the onboard sound was so good, and also threw out my Network card as well, its all included on-board.
I am not a serious overclocker either, but straight away, with no messing about with joining bridges, I entered the bios, changed the Multiplyer from 11 to 14 and increased the voltage and the XP2500 was transformed into an XP3000, with over £200 saved.
All via the usual excellent bios from abit.
FSB is known to go all the way to 215 on this board! A tad high for me, but its been done
Happy Fathers day to you
edit // you reminded me to delete the soundblaster from my profile if you got confused, now using the on-board sound.
Also downside to the motherboard is that you can only use two banks of ram out of four if you use DDR 2700 or above I think, but anything lower, all four banks are usable.
The best overclocking chip for the price at the moment (In my opinion) would be the 1700+ T-bred B.
Here's the overclockers database for your reference, as you can see with very good cooling they have almost hit 3ghz with a $42 chip, and that's more than enough for me without the quantispeed architecture speed increase added in there.
Originally posted by danball1976 Aren't I right in saying a lower core speed of a specific stepping usually overclocks really well?
Sort of. A stepping, say AIUHB week 3, no matter what rating (2100+, 2400+) will the same top clock, give or take a few MHz.
As for the best overclocking chip, it depends. Week 10 JIUHBs will give pretty high results, as will AIUHBs before or after 0301. With the Bartons, I don't know if it's the old 166MHz FSB thing with nforce2s, or the core, or what, but I've seen them pretty much cap out at 2.3GHz, where the AIUHBs and JIUHBs are around 2.4 to 2.6. The Bartons DO however offer the 640k of cache.
I've been reading some pretty encouraging results lately with Barton core procs, but they have started out as high end Bartons to begin with. A guy at o/c.com has his over 2700 with a pelt/wc and Holst at AOA has a XP3200 at over 3000 on a prommie.
As far as bang for the buck, I'd say that a Tbred B 1700 in the stepping Quack said or an XP2100 B would be a better choice because you are liable to get a newer stepping than on a 2400. I have a barton 2500 coming in this week so I will post up what my max stable speed is before I do some experimenting with it on some older mobos, like the KG7 and 8KHA+.
Originally posted by ness_25 Coaster: Which model KD7 are you using? I'm really interested now, and sounds like the board I'm looking for.
I have a KD7-Raid which currently runs a FSB400 no sweat.
Although you'ld be better served with a NF2 mobo (Abit NF7-S v2.0 is current champion). They're faster and can run R9700/9800 at FSB400+ speeds unlike the KT400 series which OC the PCI/AGP when you increase the FSB.
That Abit NF2 board looks pretty sweet. Thanks again Omega!
But with the NF7-S v2.0, do you have to unlock the processor first, or will the BIOS do it for you like the KD7 VIA KT400 (I believe I heard someone say that this board can do that)?
Mt_GoatHead Cheezy KnobPflugerville (north of Austin)Icrontian
edited June 2003
I am running an Abit NF7-S (rev 2) with an XP2100 AIUHB 0302 @ 2.3 everyday on air (Thermaltake SLK-800/ TT SF2) with the top O/C being 2.47. Not bad! I do recomend finding a JIUHB 0310 or later XP1700. There is a new bios that has fixed most issues so far and I like the stock drivers on the disc as the newer ones have caused some probs. I have also seen some very nice results with this board and the Barton 2500 if you want the larger L2. I give either chip I mentioned 2 big thumbs up on this board.
this kind of sold me. i never thought this guy would cross over!
what are your guys opinions?
i want something fast, silent and not a lot of heat.
I know you didn't crap my AMD thread with a post about Intel....LOL!
Seriously though.... I might have to consider the NF7-S. I'm planning to go with the KD7, because I think I found a really, really good deal on one (read: almost free). Whatever board I get, it will be an ABIT.
Originally posted by MrBill
[Seriously though.... I might have to consider the NF7-S. I'm planning to go with the KD7, because I think I found a really, really good deal on one (read: almost free). Whatever board I get, it will be an ABIT. [/B]
As if you could consider anything else! I'll throw my vote in for the 2500!
Originally posted by SmallFry As if you could consider anything else! I'll throw my vote in for the 2500!
Hi SF! I'll probably order the 2500 Barton this week and then figure out the rest of it later. Besides, don't want to cause the wife to go into cardiac arrest by ordering it all at once.
Originally posted by MrBill Seriously though.... I might have to consider the NF7-S. I'm planning to go with the KD7, because I think I found a really, really good deal on one (read: almost free). Whatever board I get, it will be an ABIT.
Hey if it's FREE go with the KD7. Like I said mine does FSB400 with no problem.
MrBill, I just got my oem 2500 in today from Newegg. It's a AQXDA 0314 MPMW stepping and week brownie(don't know if there is any such thing as a greenie Barton). So far, I have it up to 10X200 at stock 1.65 vcore and folding stably. I'll see how much further I can push it over the next couple of days, then I'll be testing it in some older mobo's to see if it will run without specific Barton support.
Originally posted by muddocktor So far, I have it up to 10X200 at stock 1.65 vcore and folding stably. I'll see how much further I can push it over the next couple of days, then I'll be testing it in some older mobo's to see if it will run without specific Barton support.
Unlocks the AMD chips XMultiplyer settings without hardware mod, got my XP2500 as an XP3000 on air. Could push further, 2500Mhz was around as hard as I could push it, just need a few fans in the case and it will be stable.
Thanks for the replies guys!
//edit: Just checked Newegg and the 2500+ is $96 shipped. Sweet! I might just have to say: Happy Father's Day to me...LOL!
Threw out my Soundblaster Live card the onboard sound was so good, and also threw out my Network card as well, its all included on-board.
I am not a serious overclocker either, but straight away, with no messing about with joining bridges, I entered the bios, changed the Multiplyer from 11 to 14 and increased the voltage and the XP2500 was transformed into an XP3000, with over £200 saved.
All via the usual excellent bios from abit.
FSB is known to go all the way to 215 on this board! A tad high for me, but its been done
Happy Fathers day to you
edit // you reminded me to delete the soundblaster from my profile if you got confused, now using the on-board sound.
Also downside to the motherboard is that you can only use two banks of ram out of four if you use DDR 2700 or above I think, but anything lower, all four banks are usable.
Here's the overclockers database for your reference, as you can see with very good cooling they have almost hit 3ghz with a $42 chip, and that's more than enough for me without the quantispeed architecture speed increase added in there.
Sort of. A stepping, say AIUHB week 3, no matter what rating (2100+, 2400+) will the same top clock, give or take a few MHz.
As for the best overclocking chip, it depends. Week 10 JIUHBs will give pretty high results, as will AIUHBs before or after 0301. With the Bartons, I don't know if it's the old 166MHz FSB thing with nforce2s, or the core, or what, but I've seen them pretty much cap out at 2.3GHz, where the AIUHBs and JIUHBs are around 2.4 to 2.6. The Bartons DO however offer the 640k of cache.
As far as bang for the buck, I'd say that a Tbred B 1700 in the stepping Quack said or an XP2100 B would be a better choice because you are liable to get a newer stepping than on a 2400. I have a barton 2500 coming in this week so I will post up what my max stable speed is before I do some experimenting with it on some older mobos, like the KG7 and 8KHA+.
AMD FSB400 Barton 2.2ghz = PR3200+ (IMO it's really a 3000+)
this kind of sold me. i never thought this guy would cross over!
what are your guys opinions?
i want something fast, silent and not a lot of heat.
I have a KD7-Raid which currently runs a FSB400 no sweat.
Although you'ld be better served with a NF2 mobo (Abit NF7-S v2.0 is current champion). They're faster and can run R9700/9800 at FSB400+ speeds unlike the KT400 series which OC the PCI/AGP when you increase the FSB.
But with the NF7-S v2.0, do you have to unlock the processor first, or will the BIOS do it for you like the KD7 VIA KT400 (I believe I heard someone say that this board can do that)?
The best CPU to get right now is a Barton 2500+. They clock to the same speeds as Tbreds but have 512K cache.
Seriously though.... I might have to consider the NF7-S. I'm planning to go with the KD7, because I think I found a really, really good deal on one (read: almost free).
Hey if it's FREE go with the KD7. Like I said mine does FSB400 with no problem.
I'm a big Epox fan, Abit stuff blows up too often for my tastes.
Bare bones model, just the plain KD7 - It had on board sound (better than the SBLive), and an Ethernet Card (LAN)
The thing costs less than $80 or £50 of my English pounds.
A bargain with the XP2500+ (UNLOCKED!) Barton, you'll be running a XP3000 in no time