Has to do with the week of manufacture. They do batches by the week. So some have higher overclockablity by the week. Better quality on different weeks and different manufacture plants...
Originally posted by muddocktor MrBill, I just got my oem 2500 in today from Newegg. It's a AQXDA 0314 MPMW
I got mine in and it's a AQXDA 0320 VPAW. I'm still waiting on my KD7, SK-7 and fans. I hope to have everything by next weekend so I can put it all together.
Originally posted by Coaster Enjoy the chip MrBill, managed around 400Mhz on mine, while its isnt a massive O/C, its still pretty good
I got in running in the KD7 since my NF7-S wasn't delivered on Thursday like it was supposed to be. I had it running at 2162, but F@H wasn't completing work units so I backed it down to 2067. Along with the NF7-S, I'm getting a SK-7 which should allow me to bump it back up. It was getting too hot, so I had to lower the cpu voltage in order to lower the temp. I hope to wind up in the 2300mhz range when all is said and done.
The title of the thread is "So....what's the best AMD chip for oc'ing atm?"
I am expressing my opinion of the best current AMD chip for Overclocking.
Thanks to everyone for their input!
There are several flavors of the xp1800 Dan. I started this thread to get some intelligent opinions. Your post doesn't qualify as such.
This person also said his Asus A7V333-X can have locked PCI and AGP buses (he doesn't know what northbridge it has, and he called it a KT33X)
that can $ BTW