woohoo 3dfx!!! i seriously almost cried when i found out they got bought. it was like, the worst day of my life. i just stared and reread the article over and over. and then i moved on and bought a new gfx card . . .
Originally posted by drowd woohoo 3dfx!!! i seriously almost cried when i found out they got bought. it was like, the worst day of my life. i just stared and reread the article over and over. and then i moved on and bought a new gfx card . . .
I was the same way. My first 3d card was a Voodoo2 with 12MB of RAM. I also had the Voodoo3 and 5, after 3dfx went under it was a bitch to get drivers. Since then I have liked ATI better as a company, though that really does not effect my purchases (my first card after 3dfx went down was a Geforce 3.)
I remember back when I was looking for my first 3D graphics card I ended up getting Diamond Banshee 16MB glorious piece of hardware too bad the drivers were spotty. Then I saw ATI Rage Fury which was so cool. Then the Rage Fury Pro came out and it had a fan on it. Now that was cool!!! Then the Rage Fury Maxx with two GPUs !!! Once I read an article in my PC Gamer way back when with 3dfx's new line up I knew I had to get a hold of one of those cards. Too bad it went under cause I prolly would have had it. Alas I stuck with ATI ever since I got into bed with them...lol. Got me my Radeon 9500Pro. Just loving it...