How To: Display Your F@H Stats on Coolmon:



  • EyesOnlyEyesOnly Sweden New
    edited December 2003
    Why is this thread not sticky:ed anymore.
  • t1rhinot1rhino Toronto
    edited December 2003
    Just so that everyone is clear... You do not have to find your userid. The script should do it by itself. It is simply a script variable with a default.
  • EyesOnlyEyesOnly Sweden New
    edited December 2003
    What i meant was why isn't this thread among the top ones. It's been moving down.
  • edited December 2003
    That's what I've been wondering too...
  • csimoncsimon Acadiana Icrontian
    edited December 2003
    it seems like Gen Keebs could reference this thread in the "Everything about F@H - Check here first!" thread ...I know he did some house cleaning so maybe you could ask him to.
  • edited January 2004
    Ack, you guys are killing my server! Please don't have it update any more than once every 3 hours, since the stats are only updated that often anyhow. ;) But also that script calls all 15 pages at once which the stats are not designed to do with all the calculations involved.

    In the new revision of the folding stats I'm going to have an XML feed so that you can query info for a team / individual to your hearts content, as more data will be pre-processed instead of being calculated on-the-fly.
  • mmonninmmonnin Centreville, VA
    edited January 2004
    Yes anyone who uses this there will be something better out soon so if you could all wait a little bit, it will surely help Jason.
  • edited January 2004
    Oh... sorry Jason, I spose I'll add that to the first post.

    I'd edit the script myself to make it easier on the server, but I just dont know how. T1rhino wrote it, so I suppose he (or someone else who understands it) would be best to fix it.
  • mmonninmmonnin Centreville, VA
    edited January 2004
    I emailed t1rhino about it and he is going to look at it.

    If you could, stop using it for now. Something better will be out soon.
  • edited January 2004
    If you *must* use this script, let me post up some code a little later today (I have to dig to find it), and you can have it display the whole team in one query, rather than going through 15 pages, that would be a tremendous help.

    I believe if you add on something like &perpage=1000 to the query string, it will display all the team members at once (like I said, I'll have to double check the code later today, I've got to run right now).
  • csimoncsimon Acadiana Icrontian
    edited January 2004
    thanks again jason ...your understanding is truely appreciated. :respect:
  • ginocerulliginocerulli Shanghai, China
    edited December 2005
    ok..some noob comments and questions

    i noob proofed these directions and here are some things that i found...

    1. the link to download coolmon didn't work (no big deal i got it elsewhere)

    2. when you say download the script, i expected to see a download box. instead it opened up a new browser with text inside. i got lucky and figured i could just FILE and SAVE AS, but i was confused for a littel while. Like i said, maybe i am an exceptional noob, but i almost gave up when i got stuck there.

    Ok i have it up and it looks good. so far no information is showing, but perhaps that is because i have only been folding for a couple of hours.

    ok my questions:

    1. I have these two files in my Folding folder - FAHlog and FAHlog2 - FAHlog2 is blank. is that normal?

    2. I had no idea what my user number was. Again maybe because I am new. I looked insde FAHlog and found the following information:
    [02:41:29] - Ask before connecting: No
    [02:41:29] - User name: Anonymous (Team 0)
    [02:41:29] - User ID: 47725B886030157C
    [02:41:29] - Machine ID: 1

    So i used 47725 for my id number

    3. you will also notice that my user name and team are not declared in that log. originally I had a problem with that and received answers here:

    I fixed it and when i open MyFolding page it reflects that the changes had been made. I originally thought that maybe the updated info would show up in FAHlog2 but that document is blank.

    UPDATE: i found this info further down in the FAHlog document:

    [03:14:11] - Ask before connecting: No
    [03:14:11] - User name: ginocerulli (Team 93)
    [03:14:11] - User ID: 47725B886030157C
    [03:14:11] - Machine ID: 1

    so that is good, to make a long story my USER ID 47725??

    4. is it common for FahCore_82.exe to consistently use cpu percentages in the 90's according to Windows Task Manager? I have however, noticed no performance issues.

    any help would be appreciated...thanks

    noob for life

  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited December 2005
    1. the link to download coolmon didn't work...
    This thread is over two years old. I'll check into having someone update the guide. :)
    2. when you say download the script, i expected to see a download box. instead it opened up a new browser with text inside. i got lucky and figured i could just FILE and SAVE AS, but i was confused for a little while. Like i said, maybe i am an exceptional noob, but i almost gave up when i got stuck there...
    We'll see about clarifying that, too.
    1. I have these two files in my Folding folder - FAHlog and FAHlog2 - FAHlog2 is blank. is that normal?
    Not unusual at all.
    2. I had no idea what my user number was. Again maybe because I am new. I looked insde FAHlog and found the following information:
    [02:41:29] - Ask before connecting: No
    [02:41:29] - User name: Anonymous (Team 0)
    [02:41:29] - User ID: 47725B886030157C
    [02:41:29] - Machine ID: 1

    So i used 47725 for my id number...
    I'm no expert on using the coolmon FAH monitor. Is that the program asking for a user number?
    4. is it common for FahCore_82.exe to consistently use cpu percentages in the 90's according to Windows Task Manager?..
    Absolutely. The whole idea is to put your spare CPU cycles to work doing something useful. The next time you reboot go straight into Task Manager and watch the System Idle Process. It will start out using almost all your resources. As soon as Folding kicks in it will drop like a rock and those unused cycles will begin working on your current WU.

    As a further experiment, open Task Manager once Folding is using the lion's share of your resources, then start opening other programs. You should see FAH automatically ratchet itself down as the other programs demand more and more of the CPU. If you run a seriously CPU-intensive program FAH will come to a virtual standstill.
  • ginocerulliginocerulli Shanghai, China
    edited December 2005
    yeah, in step 5 i think it asks for 3 things


    thanks for the i never noticed how old that thread was...

    I have electronic microscope working for that will do for now. by tomorrow CoolMon should have some info listed, if it does not, then i will know there is a problem.

    thanks again

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