As the title says, I want to clean the sceen of my laptop but am not sure what to use. Any suggestions? I dont realy want to go out to PC world and buy a special cleaner etc so can I just use a damp cloth?
Water will not hurt the laptop but eyeglass cleaner for plastic and glass lenses would leave fewer streaks and spots if it is hard water (spray lense cleaner on cloth).
Geeky1University of the Pacific (Stockton, CA, USA)
edited August 2003
Go to the nearest office supply store and pick up a can of Endust for Electronics. I use it for everything (including laptop screens) and it works very, very well.
That is true if you use water without lots of other things in it, as we get here in my state. Our water streaks glass, and spots it, ditto for plastic eyeglass lenses and screens and small LCDs on cameras. So, I picked up so eyeglass claening spritzers. They do get refilled with half bottled water and a bit less than half rubbing alcohol with a bit of ammonia tossed in (like a CC in an eyedropper per 2 oz spritzer). The little bit of ammonia lifts fingerprint oils that smear otherwise.
For dust alone, aircan is great, or a blowing electronic parts cleaner (blower\Vac combo)like a DataVac if you do a LOT of cleaning of electronics.
Found the perfect thing, looked under the kitchen sink and there was a pack of Windowleen wipes, just took one of them and its spotless! - now if only I could get the rest of it clean.....
For dust alone, aircan is great, or a blowing electronic parts cleaner (blower\Vac combo)like a DataVac if you do a LOT of cleaning of electronics.