Problem...please help.
Hi Guys.
Since yesterday i have been having a problem with my PC. The problem started out of the blue and for some reason my PC has slowed down to a crawl.
Basically whenever i run almost any kind of program, even mirc my whole system bogs down, and even my mouse pointer jerks when i move it across the desktop. If i look at my CPU usage it is very eratic, going from 0 to 100% and back again constantly. I had figured that there might be a windows problem and restored my ghost image to see if it would fix it, but the problem remains. I also checked my temps with asus prob and they are fine, and i ran MEMtest to see if there was a problem with my RAM, but that is also fine.
If there is anyone who can help me with this problem i would greatly appreciate it. Thanks.
Oh, BTW my specs are:
XP 1800+ cpu
512 MB corsair XMS 2700 RAM
Liteon DVD ROM
Pioner A06 DVD-RW
Thats about it. TIA
Since yesterday i have been having a problem with my PC. The problem started out of the blue and for some reason my PC has slowed down to a crawl.
Basically whenever i run almost any kind of program, even mirc my whole system bogs down, and even my mouse pointer jerks when i move it across the desktop. If i look at my CPU usage it is very eratic, going from 0 to 100% and back again constantly. I had figured that there might be a windows problem and restored my ghost image to see if it would fix it, but the problem remains. I also checked my temps with asus prob and they are fine, and i ran MEMtest to see if there was a problem with my RAM, but that is also fine.
If there is anyone who can help me with this problem i would greatly appreciate it. Thanks.
Oh, BTW my specs are:
XP 1800+ cpu
512 MB corsair XMS 2700 RAM
Liteon DVD ROM
Pioner A06 DVD-RW
Thats about it. TIA
Ok, i have ran both norton antivirus and adaware but nothing comes up. And the thing is that ive just restored a perfectly good ghost image and it's still doing the same thing which is leading me to believe that there is obviously some kind of hardware problem.
The process which is using 100% is always any program which i am running at the time, as i said before, even mirc uses almost 100% when i fire it up.
I'm just about to format my drive and re-install the old fashioned way to see if that will make any difference:(
I'll get around to reinstalling tomorrow and let you know if it helps. To tell you the truth i'm a lazy bastid, and i just can't be arsed right now:)
Thanks again:)
Also, same for bad cables.
really, thats about all thats left. Only thing after checking temps, hdd, ram, and system processes would be to start swaping components. I highly highly doubt a mobo failure, but somethings oviously wrong.
I'm going to switch cables and see if it helps.
I had a batch of WD JB's fail, 10 drives all died within weeks of being put into service. I'm seeing dieing Maxtors too, so the grass isn't always greener on the other side.
The drives that have lasted the longest are the old IBM deathstars. We've got probably 50 of them in service for the last year. HeH, those were the ones I expected to fail
I think swaping out that drive will restore your performance.
75 GXP drives. I now have Western Digital 80gig Caviar drives
with 8mb cache and have had no problems at all in raid O. All
companies have problems with drives from time to time. I think
if you ask around you can find a better/reliable model regardless
of whom made it. Not all Toyota's are good but most are great
if you get what I mean.
I formatted the drive this morning when i woke up and reinstalled all of my drivers and also all of the apps that i use frequently and then tested again with ATTO. The results seem to be back to normal now.
I may be going out on a limb here, but i was thinking that maybe the DVD writer i had die on me the other day might have corrupted the drive to the extent that a ghost image wouldn't help. Is that at all possible?
Here are the results.
Thanks again for the help so far:)
But, I still wouldn't rule out other possibilitys, but that would be the first component I swaped out.
On returning home i promptly installed the drive and set it up accordingly and all seemed to be well again. When i woke up this morning my system had frozen so i hit the reset button to restart it to continue a file i was downloading. When the PC tried to reset i heard the drive spin and so on, so i reset again with the same result.
I then decided to remove my secondary ide cable so that only that drive was connected and tried to boot and it booted without a hitch.
I then decided to connect my other drives back up again to see if i could recreate the problem again, but it booted anyway.
WTH is going on with my PC? Any ideas?
Thanks in advance again
you have and how it is hooked up in relation to hardrive. Also
what kind of power supply is in the system?
XP 1800+ cpu
512 MB corsair XMS 2700 RAM
Liteon DVD ROM
Pioner A06 DVD-RW
350 watt PSU
If you need to know anything else just ask.
but yea, if you're running all that on a generic ps, that could very well be your problem.
Could a faulty power supply really cause a problem like this? I mean, this drive is only 2 weeks or so old and it's gone exactly the same way as the old one i had, so i have to believe that the problem does not lie with the drives.
I'm using a 350 watt PSU. I can't tell which brand at the moment, i'd have to take it out and have a look. I'll do it in the morning when my download is done.