everyone make sure you check out this review. if you had any second thoughts about OWNING this game, this review will change your mind. its great. it really is, there has not been a truly worthwhile game like this one in a good while . . .
Nice review and good looking game only I don't own an Xbox and I'm not about to buy one so I guess I will have to wait for an eternity for the PC release. Just how long have I waited for a full talkie RPG... too flaming long I tell ya. The star wars universe is not such a bad place to live out a couple of months of my life.
Keep up the good work.
Would love to post comments on the end of those reviews and slightly bigger text would be easier on my poor eyes. Not a big problem obviously but I have to drop resolution to 1024x768 to read your good work.
My new games PC is up & running overclocked nicely so now I can stop reading all the hardware sites and concentrate on the games once again.
thank you for the suggestions, i know comments are something i would like to see added in the not-so-distant future as well, and we will certainly look into larger text. thanks for the input, if you have any other suggestions, let either me or coaster or any of the other ICG guys know . . .
Keep up the good work.
Would love to post comments on the end of those reviews and slightly bigger text would be easier on my poor eyes. Not a big problem obviously but I have to drop resolution to 1024x768 to read your good work.
My new games PC is up & running overclocked nicely so now I can stop reading all the hardware sites and concentrate on the games once again.
btw in the reply page I get javascript errorin line 53:
[PHP]var postmaxchars = ;[/PHP] I think it should be [php]var postmaxchars = 0;[/php]
also there is:[php] if (theform.message.value.length > ) {[/php] a few lines below, it should have a number after >.