Crappy fps in BF1942
Bible music connoisseurThere's no place like Icrontian
I get from 15-40 fps just riding around and like 10 when a few tanks show up and a battle begins. I'm running at 1024 x 768 w/ max detail settings. My PC should be enough to play it well and with 4x AA but noooo, something is acting up and it's only with this game. Maybe it's 2K3 or DirectX 9b. I'm using latest patch and DC mod (0.39). PC specs are:
AMD Athlon XP 1600+ @ 1539mhz (yeah....yeah my board sucks)
512MB PC2100
40 and 2x 80GB HDD's
ATi Radeon 9700 NP (Omega 2.4.74a = modded Catalyst 3.6)
Windows Server 2003 (w/ all updates and patches)
OC'ing the card is a no go since I get artifacts. Don't know if flasing the card's bios would help. I've never tried it.
I'll try w/o DC and see if the game runs well. But I'm only getting the crappy frames with BF1942. So any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
AMD Athlon XP 1600+ @ 1539mhz (yeah....yeah my board sucks)
512MB PC2100
40 and 2x 80GB HDD's
ATi Radeon 9700 NP (Omega 2.4.74a = modded Catalyst 3.6)
Windows Server 2003 (w/ all updates and patches)
OC'ing the card is a no go since I get artifacts. Don't know if flasing the card's bios would help. I've never tried it.
I'll try w/o DC and see if the game runs well. But I'm only getting the crappy frames with BF1942. So any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
/me needs monies
Agreed..., 2K3 is server software, not ment for gaming.
I use fraps
It was a P4 3.06, FX 5600
at diff resolutions and AA.
check if its swapping to your drive.
I am a shooter gamer, but I cannot play online since the Satellite internet connection pings about 2000.
She thought this was a game like MOHAA, Spearhead etc.
I cannot use the game, I installed the game and it plays well on my system, but gameplay is just not my thing.
FPS varied between 16 up to 70 depends on where I was and what was going on.
I would like to sell this software or trade this software for something I could use.
I don't know if this is a no no on this forum or not.
I did not see anything regulating such.
These are two boxes, brand new, only the game has been opened and then all put back like it came out.
Thanks BJ
yes u should move that post to the trading post
please dont forget to mention the price.
im sure someone would love the buy that off ya.