Can't connect to online games or p2p sharing services...

edited September 2003 in Hardware
Hi there, I'm not really sure who ask of this but I just got onto my college campus and have found that not only does Kazaa not work, but neither do ANY of my online games (Half-Life, BF1942, SWG) and I'm a little purterbed.

I was wondering if there were any of college students here that have run into this problem and have found a fix for it... or if I'm basically screwed for my next few years...



  • stoopidstoopid Albany, NY New
    edited August 2003
    Not in college anymore, but I know shortly after I left they started enforcing bans on specific ports on the network, the ones used as default for the P2P applications and games... which is why some colleges have started their own, smaller P2P networks (like the guy from RPI in Troy NY that the RIAA came after).

    Can see their argument -- what does file sharing and gaming have to do with 'research'? Nothing, and they provide and are liable for the network's activity, so they've become rather strict.
  • edited August 2003
    Alright I can understand the P2P blocking.. but the games? That pisses me off.. hopefully I can talk to some IT person here and see what the crap is going on.
  • imported_makoimported_mako SF Bay Area, CA
    edited September 2003
    What school are you at? Here at UC Berkeley there doesn't seem to be any port blocking.

    As for your various services, you could try changing the default port used. The default Kazaa port is 1214; you can change that in Tools > Options > Firewall port > Incoming port. Check the "use port 80 as alternate" or change it to another number. Look online for a port chart, you can probably use a port that's reserved for something else, like mail or ftp, as long as you're not doing that particular activity at the moment. Try it, it might not work but it's worth a try.

    As for the games, I can't help you there.

    Good luck,
  • Geeky1Geeky1 University of the Pacific (Stockton, CA, USA)
    edited September 2003
    Originally posted by mako
    Here at UC Berkeley there doesn't seem to be any port blocking.

    At Berkely? That doesn't surprise me... liberals. Yeeeeeew! :D:D;) You guys up in the north bay are just plain nuts... it's only those of us in & around San Jose that make any sense anymore... ;)

    (I'm kidding btw...)
  • TheBaronTheBaron Austin, TX
    edited September 2003
    here at UT Austin they also do no port blocking. But as long as you're not Paying for the internet and its included with housing, I'm sorry to say but you may be screwed. UT makes me pay and if I couldn't do filesharing I would be out for blood
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