The error itself could be coming from an overheating cpu. I am willing to bet this is the problem my XP1700+ starts to act up right around 52 and 53 degrees C. You'll have to clean off the fans in the case, the heatsink, reapply thermal paste and reattach the heatsink.
1) Psu isn't enough- This isn't the case here. The K7S5A isn't a power hog and you're not oc'ed
2) The cpu is overheating: Now this can go several ways:
A) not enough thermal grease
B) Fan is not working or it's dirty
C) Heatsink is not mounted correctly thus it's not making good contact with the core.
Or there's a program,virus that has corrupted some windows files.
I would check the heatsink and fan first, then go with the windows attack
The machine only rebooted when i checked the option to have xp reboot upon incurring an error.
I stopped the rebooting by unchecking it. THis then showed me that the error is still ocurring but is isnt causing the rebooting...xp was.
The error is what i posted in the Pic. on the event viewer.
What does that mean? The error...
By the way i appreciate the great help you are giving me. I know we are still dignosing but i appreciate the time.
I ran the virus scan already, i really think it has to do w/ the windows error since xp is the one rebooting. PC would reboot if xp didnt tell it to.