How do I remove Wildtangent and all its add ons? I just upgraded to aim 5.5 when it said to, big mistake. I should have known not to because I tried the beta version way back when and had same trouble. It takes away a few options, adds more space consuming garbage (wild tangent games tab) and puts wild tangent on my computer. It even has its own folder in Control Panel. Add/Remove programs does not work, it doesn't list it. I have deleted the WT folder in the windows directory, but think it may make back ups of it self and be hovering in the registry or something. I have uninstalled aim 5.5 but it is still there. I am switching back to dead aim, which I have been meaning to do for a while anyway, but deleted the download during my os reinstallation horror days (constintly reinstalling).
Also, after all these steps, it still is forsure here because the folder in the Control Panel is still there and active, although I don't know why one was placed there to begin with. I have also heard this installs "deep" spyware and is very hard to remove from others. I really don't know what to look for, so I need a lot of help. Thanks for any responses.
this is how to remove wildtangent if it pops up at reboot if you removed it with a spyware program go to click play one of the online games and re-download the exe or manually if you have too then reinstall it to you machine then after it is done the go to control panel and remove it first then reboot you computer and it will be gone. the reason you get the prompt at startup is because you deleted it with a spyware program and possibly removed it in the control panel after using spyware protection program. Have fun this is the easiest prompt at start up to fix
I had been reading through all the solutions to this problem - they were sounding much more complicated that what I wanted to do - so when I came to your solution, I tried it as it sounded the easiest - and it worked! Thank you so much (I registered at this site just so I could thank you)
Went to the link and downloaded. Went to add/remove programs and removed. Finally it's gone! Thank you all!!!
Wild tangent was causing untold difficulties on my PC , I would like to take this opportunity to thank you doodlebug for your sound and easy to follow instructions.
By way of thanks I would like to pass on a little gem I have found
How do I remove Wildtangent and all its add ons? I just upgraded to aim 5.5 when it said to, big mistake. I should have known not to because I tried the beta version way back when and had same trouble. It takes away a few options, adds more space consuming garbage (wild tangent games tab) and puts wild tangent on my computer. It even has its own folder in Control Panel. Add/Remove programs does not work, it doesn't list it. I have deleted the WT folder in the windows directory, but think it may make back ups of it self and be hovering in the registry or something. I have uninstalled aim 5.5 but it is still there. I am switching back to dead aim, which I have been meaning to do for a while anyway, but deleted the download during my os reinstallation horror days (constintly reinstalling).
Also, after all these steps, it still is forsure here because the folder in the Control Panel is still there and active, although I don't know why one was placed there to begin with. I have also heard this installs "deep" spyware and is very hard to remove from others. I really don't know what to look for, so I need a lot of help. Thanks for any responses.
perform the following steps to stop it from loading on your computer:
click start, then run, then type in msconfig, then click ok.....when the system utility appears, with several tabs from general and the last one being start up tab, click on this one and uncheck all the programs related to wild tangent, apps, or cda. click apply and close and restart your computer. On restart, the system configuration utility will pop up and prompt you to set it to normal, just ignore this and check the box not to show the system configuration utility at start up.
I had this same problem and this worked for me. Bear in mind my system is a windows based one, if you have a different system (apple etc, you may have to get instructions from them on how to do the same thing)
cheers and good luck.
Dopo mesi di continue apparizioni del messaggio RUNDALL " C:\Programmi\Wild Tangent\Apps\CDA\cdaEngine0400.dll " ad ogni accensione del computer, refrattario ad ogni antivirus provato, finalmente grazie alle Vostre istruzioni è scomparso.
Grazie infinite a tutti Voi e in particolare a Leadmir112 !!!
I recently installed Spybot Search and Destroy, because I've once again started to be inundated with pop up windows. After running Spybot, WildTangent was on the list as spy software. I had never heard of it before, so I thought the best thing to do, was to remove it. BIG MISTAKE!! I wasn't able to remove all of it, just part of it, eventhough I ran spybot several more times, even at start up. I then ran my Nortons System Works 2005, and it didn't help. Everytime I signed on and signed off, I got an error message reguarding WildTangent. It was bugging the crap out of me. I then realized that I didn't even know I had it on my computer, it had caused no problems, to the best of my knowledge, and I wouldn't have even known it was there if it hadn't been for SpyBot. I decided to simply restore my computer to an earlier time, and that re-installed WildTangent. I've come to a conclusion that if something is not slowing down my computer, and is quietly running in the background, then leave it be. Thanks for the listing, Dave.
How do I remove Wildtangent and all its add ons? I just upgraded to aim 5.5 when it said to, big mistake. I should have known not to because I tried the beta version way back when and had same trouble. It takes away a few options, adds more space consuming garbage (wild tangent games tab) and puts wild tangent on my computer. It even has its own folder in Control Panel. Add/Remove programs does not work, it doesn't list it. I have deleted the WT folder in the windows directory, but think it may make back ups of it self and be hovering in the registry or something. I have uninstalled aim 5.5 but it is still there. I am switching back to dead aim, which I have been meaning to do for a while anyway, but deleted the download during my os reinstallation horror days (constintly reinstalling).
Also, after all these steps, it still is forsure here because the folder in the Control Panel is still there and active, although I don't know why one was placed there to begin with. I have also heard this installs "deep" spyware and is very hard to remove from others. I really don't know what to look for, so I need a lot of help. Thanks for any responses.
DCraig42, Glad you can live with spyware on your pc. No problems here.
If you take your time and read through this thread you'lll see some had to do things a little different to get rid of it, but they got rid of it.
Besides that, If you reinstall the program and use the uninstaller in the program to remove it. Then spybot will remove the leftovers usually.
I had the same error. After searching awhile, i found the fix. The credit goes to Mr. August 25, 2004 in the Compu-Kiss Forum. Here it is:
Go to START > Settings > Control Panel
Double click Add/Remove Programs, Select WildTangent ,
Click uninstall or add/remove, follow the on screen instructions.
Open the registry editor (Click Start > Run, type regedit). Locate the following key:
In the right pane, find and delete the following entries ( if they exists):
Follow his steps - now here's the catch i found
Make sure to exit directly out of the registry editor once you delete the file. Don't browse to other folders or it will stay there. Reboot and the computer will save the current settings. Next run, it should be clear. Hope this helps.
I had the same wildtangent error loading message and I went thru the msconfig way.. the message is gone but my computer seems to load really slow now like 12 minutes slow for my whole desktop to be done. Is it suppose to do that? Please help!
You still have parts trying to load and it looks for them for a long time which why your bootup is taking so long. Re-install the program and remove it through ADD-REMOVE PROGRAMS in Control Panel. The restart as soon as you close the Control Panel. Don't look through any other files or programs.
If that doesn't get rid of it, which sometimes it doesn't, you may have to install it again so you have the full program in your system and use the WTRemover.exe that's posted further back on this thread. Make sure you turn off all running programs before you install or delete any software.
Post back and let me know your progress.
this is how to remove wildtangent if it pops up at reboot if you removed it with a spyware program go to click play one of the online games and re-download the exe or manually if you have too then reinstall it to you machine then after it is done the go to control panel and remove it first then reboot you computer and it will be gone. the reason you get the prompt at startup is because you deleted it with a spyware program and possibly removed it in the control panel after using spyware protection program. Have fun this is the easiest prompt at start up to fix
By way of thanks I would like to pass on a little gem I have found
for transferring files to email addresses up to 1gig.
Will keep in touch and thanks again
perform the following steps to stop it from loading on your computer:
click start, then run, then type in msconfig, then click ok.....when the system utility appears, with several tabs from general and the last one being start up tab, click on this one and uncheck all the programs related to wild tangent, apps, or cda. click apply and close and restart your computer. On restart, the system configuration utility will pop up and prompt you to set it to normal, just ignore this and check the box not to show the system configuration utility at start up.
I had this same problem and this worked for me. Bear in mind my system is a windows based one, if you have a different system (apple etc, you may have to get instructions from them on how to do the same thing)
cheers and good luck.
Grazie infinite a tutti Voi e in particolare a Leadmir112 !!!
If you take your time and read through this thread you'lll see some had to do things a little different to get rid of it, but they got rid of it.
Besides that, If you reinstall the program and use the uninstaller in the program to remove it. Then spybot will remove the leftovers usually.
If that doesn't get rid of it, which sometimes it doesn't, you may have to install it again so you have the full program in your system and use the WTRemover.exe that's posted further back on this thread. Make sure you turn off all running programs before you install or delete any software.
Post back and let me know your progress.