Which chip to buy now?
I'm looking to replace the XP 2100+ in my secondary since it's going in my Sister's PC at stock speed now. I don't have too much to spend, so I want an overclocker.
So what to buy?
Duron 1.6 and do the L2 cache mod?
XP1800+ and hope for a JIUHB DLT3C?
XP2000+ Thorton and hope it's still unlocked?
Please note that any purchase would be made over the internet, since none of the local stores have good prices (about double what I'd pay at Newegg), nor do they tend to carry anything better than Palominos or TBred-A chips.
Oh, and if I should get the Duron, which store should I get it at? Newegg has some good reviews on the chip, but they're not all stunning...
So what to buy?
Duron 1.6 and do the L2 cache mod?
XP1800+ and hope for a JIUHB DLT3C?
XP2000+ Thorton and hope it's still unlocked?
Please note that any purchase would be made over the internet, since none of the local stores have good prices (about double what I'd pay at Newegg), nor do they tend to carry anything better than Palominos or TBred-A chips.
Oh, and if I should get the Duron, which store should I get it at? Newegg has some good reviews on the chip, but they're not all stunning...
have a look at this thread:
The Duron may or may not have all 256K of L2 working properly. There are no guarantees.
So, a2j, why specifically the Thorton/1800 over the Duron? All
of the chips I'm looking at are a gamble -
Duron: Might not be 256K L2 capable
XP1800: Might not be TBred-B DLT3C, might not be as OC'able as the Duron
XP2000: Might not be 512K capable, might be locked...
I still haven't decided, since each chip is a gamble! I'm just looking for guidance as to which is my best bet!
Thanks everybody for your responses so far. Keep 'em coming!
The Thorton might be a bit of a gamble, but even if it is locked the FSB can be increased and you still have all 256K of L2.
The Duron just seems like TOO much of a gamble for me to risk. Thorton is a gamble, but not as much.
1800+ is my #1 pick. Thorton is my #2. Duron is dead last.
But that's just my opinion.
So, at any rate, 1800+ it will be, and I'll hope for a DLT3C!
PS: I get to find out how good I can OC the JIUHB-DUT3C XP1700+ in my girlfriend's rig after I put the NF2 board in! Woohoo!
Pissed at me because BDR left?
Oh, by the way, thanks for the offer of the switch, Mac, but I'm going low-cost with the 1800+, so I won't be having a locked Thorton for ya at the LAN.
It wasn't a mistake on her part, she directly said she couldn't be troubled to download a manual.
I'll bring it anyway incase someone needs it. Thanks.
No matter how many times i read that, i don't understand it. Sorry, i must be dumb.
Basically I was saying that to expose one's mistakes (not reading the manual/thread) we do not have to be rude or insulting. We can just simply state "the manual/thread says" or "the manual/thread is available here."
Anyway, I've said my peace. Sorry for hi-jacking your thread, GH.
You little twit.
It's all about the folding points isn't it?
She REFUSED to open a damn pdf, i simply missed the part that a local shop wasn't an option.
She had the EXACT same problem with her last mobo as well and i actually cut/paste a picture from that mainboard's manual in that thread. You need serious help, Marc. F @ H has gotten you too addicted.
OK,now I'm done!