www part of the url
hi, just wondering how can i get my domain to display the www bit of the url if i enter http://mydomain.com ... i seen alot of site when you type in http://domain.com the page loads and the url changes to http://www.domain.com
like i always type in http://google.com and when the forum home page loads, it changes to http://www.google.com
like i always type in http://google.com and when the forum home page loads, it changes to http://www.google.com
This is something you'll need to discuss with your hosting provider. My guess is that it will be more trouble than it's worth unless you host it yourself.
yes, seems reasonable
The lines are muddy now. www. is a third level domain, but since it has such a close relationship to the domain these days they are usually aliased in the server configuration and DNS.
You will still see some companies web sites only respond to www.
cheers guys...