Wii leads PS3/360 to slaughter
🐌Austin, TX Icrontian
Nintendo rolls on with its master plan to create a horde of stick-waving console junkies of all ages, and it appears to be working. For the month of April, Nintendo sold a mighty 211,000 Wii consoles, putting them 4:1 over their Blu-ray toting rival, the PS3. Microsoft continued to slowly churn out sales to the tune of approximately 11,000 consoles, representing a 20:1 drubbing from the boys in white.
For more information, go play* with Dailytech's Wii.
<font size=1>* This joke never gets old.</font>
For more information, go play* with Dailytech's Wii.
<font size=1>* This joke never gets old.</font>
Plus the price difference is quite large, I call apples and oranges.
It's not apples and oranges. All of them are intended to compete in the same arena, marketed to console gamers.
That's the truth. The DS literally steam rolled the PSP into the ground. The sales figures don't even compare.....
For one - I think its virtually a sin for there not to be a version of Mario Kart available @ launch or very soon after for a Nintendo console! - come on!
Also (as I now know thru my nephew) there are no football games on the Wii (onk Wii strikers has come out - but it looks a far cry from Pro Evo or Fifa)
I do think Sony are gonna have to do something pretty special PS3 wise if its gonna be as successful as the ps1 and 2... well here in the uk anyhow
They compete in different segments in the overall arena. The 360 and PS3 are for the hardcore gamers who want the latest highest definition graphics and online multiplayer. From what I've seen (only have ps3 and 360), the Wii is more of "the people's console". By keeping it cheap and user friendly, they're targeting a more general audience.
The PS3 & 360 are competitors all the way the Wii is in a different class and is doing well there, no one can argue that, and I am happy for Nintendo for doing so well. But when you have hard core gamers they are not going to play the Wii for the sweet titles , they are going to play it in-between the next God of War and Gears of War...
The Wii will never touch the high end gaming market, and it was never intented to do so either. The big thing will to wtach the PS3 and new titles coming for it and the 360. Witht he PS3 out selling the 360 finally it will be intresting to see how it all pans out.
But in any case the PS3 is #3 with 360 being #2 and the Wii Pwning all at #1
3.6 Million PS3's & 10+ million 360's that is well over 13.6 Million consoles sold... thats a pretty huge market...
The Wii is at about 7.6 million sold... which is a huge market on its own but it is not taking over the entire world.
But than again I am almost willing to bed atleast 30% if not more of the PS3 and 360 owners also have a Wii in the home, making it a mixed market.
I honestly believe that this battle isn't as much philosophical as it is economical. The Wii is $250. The 360 is more. That's the clincher for MANY people.
While i agree there are no Super Serious games like Gears Of War for the wii, it is foolish to think that games with that sort of depth are not possible on the wii. We are barely seeing the initial stages of the wii's life cycle. There are really sweet games that are coming out for the wii. a very serious game for wii that is turning heads is the Wii Edition of Resident evil 4. To disregard such an awesome game as that is just foolish, it is one of the most anticipated games so far. Sure it came out in 05, but it will almost feel like a new experience on the wii. And i am pretty sure if that game sells well we can expect a lot better stuff from capcom in the future.
I dont know which console is going to win the big race right now. Yes the wii was intended for a different audience, but saying that it wont work for the competitors audience as well is just foolish. Sure it doesnt have as fancy graphics, but it seems to me that there is at least 7.6 million and probably more who are starting to get fed up with just fancy graphics. Its time to change gaming, the whole updated graphics concept is great and all, but that is not all that matters.
360, PS3 and wii weren't meant to compete in the same arena, but that doesnt mean that it cant happen.
I honestly believe in 2 years the PS3 will be at the 360's foot steps and the Wii will have out sold them both but no in combined numbers. But in the long run the types of high end gaming you see in today’s consoles and PC's will stay with just that... the 360, PS3 & PC. The Wii will always target the groups that have it.
To note I think Graphics are not all a game needs either... I can tell you about 20 titles on the 360 that look great and lack content making the game just suck balls... some games have the content and Graphics and the games just look sick and provide that High-end look most gamers are looking for. Now some gamers can deal with the Wii graphics and be happy... me I can't do that, maybe cause I am a 3d Graphic artist and I am always looking to imporve the graphics to be life like... who knows, but i know tons of others just like me seeking that next game that puts out 1080P TV's to use...
I also should note I agree with Prime that not everyone who owns a 360 or PS3 is a hard core gamer... you have fanboy's, people who buy it just to have it, and many other classes of people... But i do believe that over 50% are what i would call a dedicated gamer... and buys more than 4 game titles per year..
WOW I was just thinking
5.5 Million x $600 = $3,300,000,000
XBox 360
10 Million x $500 = $5,000,000,000
7.6 Million x $250 = $1,900,000,000
Total $10.2 Billion dollars, and that is just the consoles, add games sales and accessories to that, and your well over $25 Billion+
5.5 million x $600 = $3,300,000,000 but it may have cost Sony as much as 4.4 billion to make those 5.5 million PS3s
I wondering Sony has turned a profit at all with the PS3.. game sales are pretty strong with a few key titles but I don't see them dragging in 1 billion in game royalties just yet...
Wii is OK, "seemed" (only my personal opinion) geared toward a younger crowd. OK Graphics, Great price point, not sure about Game Titles
Playstation - Great Graphics - So-so on titles, Abysmal on price.
X-Box 360 - Very Good Graphics - Satisfying deversity of Game Titles, Price point up there...
I own a 360, and I love it. It will not keep up with the next RADA Rig (Circa Spring 2008 - Wedding present from Fiance, she gave me the OK to build a new PC). But really enjoy playing it. A slew of gift cards after X-Mas made the price completely reasonable.
We have the Wii and the concensus seems pretty much what's in this thread. It does bring back a lot of memories.
If I want to play high-end games by myself, I will play them on the PC, if they don't get released for the PC, I go without them.
I want my console to play games that are fun and easy to play when I have guests in my living room. Aside from my fanboy games (Mario, Zelda, FF), I never play a console game alone, it just doesn't occur to me. The few good multi-player games that the PS3 and XBOX offer are not the type of games that anyone can just pick-up and play. I want my wife and I to be able to invite another couple over for dinner, then after desert head into the living room to play a video game. You can't do that with Halo. Nintendo is where the easy to learn, simplistically fun games are at.
As an analogy: If my guests were going to play a card game with me, I wouldn't ask them to play Magic:The Gathering, you have to be a real strategy-cardgamer to like that game. I would get out Uno or Fluxx.
I'm not sure if this is something that effects sales, I might be the only one who feels this way.
However, I had FEAR for the PC for a while and never made it past interval 2, because I got uncomfortable sitting at the PC staring at a 19" LCD with 2.1 sound. I grabbed FEAR for the XBox 360 on sale at Gamestop the other day. I'm part-way through interval 8. I'm playing on a 52" 1080i TV with 5.1 Dolby surround. I can turn the lights out and sit back from the screen. Get comfortable on my couch. It's much more enjoyable for me. That's my argument for console vs. PC, though I do have a decent gaming rig.
As for Wii vs. 360/PS3: the Wii, to me, is a multiplayer console. I hardly power mine on when I'm alone, but it gets a lot of play when there are people over. Wii Sports and Wii Play in particular. On the other hand, I probably play the XBox 360 every day. LIVE is an amazing service, and it makes finding multiplayer games much nicer when I'm not feeling single player.
I know I'm just joining in the endless debate. It's all a matter of opinion, but Nintendo did it right this time around to turn a profit.
The joy of today’s tech will make console gaming drop even further behind.