IE homepage problem
New York
Okay i've had this problem for a good 2 weeks now. Nomatter what i set my IE homepage to... either blank or after i open the window a few times... it changes itself to So then i change it back to and then again after a few minutes changes itself back to idgsearch. I ran adaware many times... virus scan... nothing helped. I tried searching for it on my comp... nothing. What can the problem be?
Download This
First update everything for it, then just go and look for the spyware. I'm 99.9% sure it will get rid of it.
If not, clear all your cookies. If that doesn't work uninstall and reinstall IE
fdisk /mbr
mkreiserfs /dev/hd0
Now you know why I surf in Linux 90% of the time. The other 10% is the poor Barton box getting its security and software updates on DIALUP. It does ZERO email pickup and ZERO recreational/hobby surfing.
John (in Opera 7.21 Registered version, using Thunderbird for email-- bye, bye Mozilla full version, you have a memory leak in KDE 3.1.1, 3.1.2 and 3.1.3)
zzgshp gshp.
vbs Homepage
hi-jacker that re-defines your IE or Netscape start page
The page this is on has a pretty comprehensive list of startup progs both good and bad. Might help. Not realy my forte:
Okay, remove it one more time, then download and install SpywareBlaster. It will prevent it from trying to reinstall itself. Hopefully.
Couldn't mess it up any more than how the huge amount of spyware that you managed to install has....
Then check here to see if a problem
I had a hijacker on my machine that kept loading, I forgot to check these places, but when I did there was a crappy hijacking exe listed.
Since installing spywareblaster, I haven't had any spyware at all.
Those 1000 you saw are probably the ones that the program is able to PREVENT from getting installed, not the stuff you already have.
I only saw a list. What program do you speak of? I'd like to try it myself. Thanks.
I'm not positive, but I think that if you try here they may have a large virus database also, from what I remember.
Best of luck removing it..-Josh