The Leopard Revolution?

Steve Jobs is set to <a href="">announce new Leopard features</a> at an Apple conference on Monday. A new user interface using "Core Animation" is expected to be demonstrated, which one developer claims will make current programs "look really pathetic" by comparison.
From Wired: "Shipley predicts that Core Animation will kick-start a new era of interface experimentation, and may lead to an entirely new visual language for designing desktop interfaces."
I guess this means Microsoft's R&D team will have this in the next version of Windows in three years.
In related news, <a href=",1759,2142813,00.asp">Leopard will use "ZFS"</a>, which is Sun's Solaris file system.
From Wired: "Shipley predicts that Core Animation will kick-start a new era of interface experimentation, and may lead to an entirely new visual language for designing desktop interfaces."
I guess this means Microsoft's R&D team will have this in the next version of Windows in three years.
In related news, <a href=",1759,2142813,00.asp">Leopard will use "ZFS"</a>, which is Sun's Solaris file system.
Regardless of if you view the people as stupid, Mac is starting to really win in the computer market.
Just a rumor at this point, but it kinda makes sense.
No, Mac is really starting to win the ignorant college/more-money-than-sense market. Huge difference, and a very tiny market.
This might be the innovation (uh, maybe?)- but now they have to fire Jobst and compete.
I just feel for the user as that mac book that might be a bit fast in certain programs is also $1200 more expensive...
I would argue that Windows has closed the gap in the consumer and prosumer markets and has done so for more than a year.
Mac established itself in video-editting first, established and entrenched itself in the professional and education fields (much like it did with general computing early in it's history), and I consider much of the Mac video hype is pushed by them and those who have looked up to them. However, there are some in the mainstream who can pick up stable, versatile, and credible video editting packages that can run in Windows for just around a C-note.
I do and and have done so for personal reasons as well as for a nationally recognized swim club for almost two years.
No, I am not a Mac user and I don't own an Ipod.
I respectfully disagree. I do not see HP, Dell, Microsoft, Gates, Intel or many of those on the Wintel side if the equation going hungry anytime soon because of their business models and the Apple philosophy of doing business, I think, can only eventually push them into further obscurity or even extinction. They have vanishing advantages and can ill afford to ignore appealing to the rest of the mass market or at least growing their market share.
I’d like to cheer for the Mac as Microsoft (or should I say WE) DESPERATELY need viable competitors in this arena. But if the Mac status quo in charge is not careful, they could lose what little market share they have remaining as it makes no sense for even a fanboy to pay more for no reason or advantage. I’m hoping that history will not repeat itself with Mac/Apple, but I’m not convinced it won’t- and finish the job.
BTW- we do have an Ipod as well as an MP3.
PS- Vegas Movie Studio.
However, Vista is beginning to overcome some important issues (at least at my job) and DX10 is starting to get some traction. I don't think you realize the importance of that developement- but it could change the graphics equation dramatically. The window of opportunity ... ?
FCP is the only thing I ever use a Mac for.