isp address what is it and who sees it
hi, first time here so go easy on me, was logged onto another forum twice one on my pc the other on moms pc,(i know its not allowed but tricky circumstance) I voiced my opinion to someones post and he took offence, and contacted the admin team who told him that they didnt know who I was but I shared the same isp address as someone else, since then have been bombarded with nasty pms, what is a isp address and who sees it and isnt it againt data protection or something for the admin guys to tell another user who i am ??????
Your IP address is your connection to the web, and the web's connection to you. Your cable modem/dsl router/dialup whatever you have has an IP address. All computers "behind it" have the same IP as far as websites are concerned. Any server admin can see it. It's not against "data protection", what does that even mean? You're on their site at their whim, they can do whatever they want with your info - read the user agreement when you sign up.
they way it usually works is:
internet service providers have arange of IP addresses, you basicly lease an IP for the duration of your contract with them, but the thing is you dont always have the same IP. if you do an IPCONFIG /ALL in a command prompt
start->run->cmd->ipconfig /all
one of the things you see is IP Lease Obtained and IP Lease Expires. when the lease expires the modem/router/dsl connection what ever you use will contact your internet provider and basicly say "hey I'm still connected to the internet, i know my IP lease expired, can I still use the same IP?" and the providers DHCP server ( dynamic host configuration protocoll says "hey look your lease expired and your still connected, you cant go to the web with out a vaild IP address, have one!" and it will 99% of the time give you the same IP. ISP's do this because they have limited amount of IP's in the world. 2^32 i think it is... its some where around 4billion unique IP's. that sure seems like alot but its not really, considering ANY device on the internet has to have a unique address.
so if i want to send you an IM, it routes all around the world to your unique IP address. now there are some crazy things you can do on the internet, like spoof IPs, so that you look like some one else. but you can also use programs to shut down ports. Imagine ports like a highway inside the phone/cable/fiber lines. a highway with 65535 lanes. when you make a request for a website for instance, you send a request to a machine on port 80. the data you request can come back to you on any port above 1024. so you can have insane numbers of connections. this gives the user pretty good security over what can and cannot come to a computer, using a firewall
a firewall blocks any unsolicited and any data from ports you select or any ports that the machine knows it didnt request. when you hit a websites port 80, your machine knows exactly what port the data is comming back on, your machine and the remote server make an agreement called a 3way hand shake. so knowing what port data is supposed to come in on, the firewall will block any data comming back on ports that it claims "thats not right..."
Please repost in english not noob.
Im going to try to guess what your talking about.
Im assuming your talking about an ip address. (Or you might be talking about your dns hostname. example this would be for a verizon user that has an ip address of
Your ip address is a unique number that identifies you on a network. (Either private your home network created by a router, or public the ip address you have on the internet)
There are 2 types of ip addresses static (Never changes). And Dynamic (Changes when you reconnect to the net), If you have a dynamic ip address its pulled from a pool of addresses that your isp owns (Or for private networks automatically assigned to you from a dhcp server).
edit: If you have a cable,dsl or dialup connection with a dynamic ip address its possible but highly unlikely that you shared an ip address with the person who posted. The person who posted would have to be on the same isp and likely in the same city.
@the first post:
Yes he is right, there is such a thing called a isp address. This is the ip address that the isp has given him. This one you can find by going to a website such as
There is also the home ip address that his router gave his own computer. This one you can find by start->run->cmd->ipconfig. The internet, such as a forum, will not know this address. This is also not of any concern to them, since your router takes care of everything.
You will have to take it up with the forum admins. Probably they made a mistake.
You're mistaken. There's no such term as "ISP Address". That's a common mistake but nonetheless, they are both called IP addresses. Sometimes they are differentiated by terms such as "WAN address" and "LAN address" or "inside and outside" or "external and internal" but nonetheless, they are both IP addresses. The address you see when you go to is your WAN address...
Besides, if ISP address was a proper term, wouldn't the URL be
No it wouldn't be. If you write isp address full, you would get internet service provider address.
But yes, i agree with you. There is just a big difference between the external and internal ip address, that was my main issue that i wanted to address. The first post sounded like it was just one ip address that was used thoughout all the system, which is simply not true. Also the internal address is not visible to the outside, unless there is a security gap. Then again, the outside doesn't need to know what the internal ip is...
hope you can agree with this no offence
There is no such thing as an ISP address. ISP is internet service provider. ISPs buy blocks of Internet Protocol addresses (IP addresses) from ARIN and other regional internet registries (RIRs). Those IP addresses then get assigned to end-users, or fall on the dynamic IP block, when a line is leased from the ISP.
There is no such thing as an ISP address. It is an IP addressed assigned by an ISP.