Back in action

edited June 2007 in Folding@Home
After taking a break from folding, I've got 3 comps up as full-time folders now. We are currently running a pentium D, A64 3400+, and a Opty 146. I'm going to overclock the A64 and Opty after work tonight, but the pentium D is a Dell so I don't even think I can oc it at all. Also, if anyone knows any deals or cheap parts for a prospective addition to my little farm, please let me know.


I'll also be adding my laptop as a part-time folder, just haven't got a chance to get it up yet.


  • LeonardoLeonardo Wake up and smell the glaciers Eagle River, Alaska Icrontian
    edited June 2007
    Good work! Too bad about the Pentium D being in a Dell. The Pentium D 9XXX series are superb overclockers when mated with the right motherboard.
  • dragonV8dragonV8 not here much New
    edited June 2007
    Way to F:fold:LD cambrose.
  • edited June 2007
    Be sure to run the WinSMP client on the Pentium D box. You will make much more efficient use of that dual core processor with the SMP client.
  • edited June 2007
    Noticed that last night when I went to check on it, and F@H was only using 49% of cpu.......I'll fix it tonight after work. How long before my score gets updated though?
  • QCHQCH Ancient Guru Chicago Area - USA Icrontian
    edited June 2007
    Welcome back in to the addiction. ;D

    Very nice set of folders you have there... I have a feeling that you're gonna be in the milestone threads a lot. :D
  • edited June 2007
    That's kinda the plan
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