Thinking about joining, a few questions first.

RatBurger08RatBurger08 Corpus Christi, TX
edited June 2007 in Folding@Home

I'm interested in joining the F@H Icrontic team, but I have a few nagging questions to be asked.

1. I only have one computer, if this one was folding, would I be able to use it, or (longshot) game on it while the folding program was running?

2. Would my computer have to be on 24/7, as I have alot of lights on my comp, and I can only sleep in complete darkness. :zombie:

3. Would I finally be respected as a contributing member to this forum? :wink:

LMK soon, as my computer (hopefully) will be up and running again. (the one in my sig)



  • LincLinc Owner Detroit Icrontian
    edited June 2007
    1. Yes - it doesn't affect performance aside from higher-end games. You might want to disable it before firing up Oblivion or Half Live 2 (but I don't bother, personally, and have never seen an adverse effect). I don't have any dedicated folding boxes, only work rigs that happen to be folding.

    2. Sure, your rig shouldn't have trouble meeting deadlines even if it's off 8 hours a day.

    3. Folding@Home not required for respect ;)
  • SPIKE09SPIKE09 Scatland
    edited June 2007
    I think Keebs has hit the nail on the head 100%, and every member of this community should be and is treated with respect as far as I've seen.


    PS you will get your chain yanked by the Thraxlings get used to it they ain't likely to change;):D
  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited June 2007
    3. Would I finally be respected as a contributing member to this forum? :wink:

    You were before you ever posted in this sub-forum. F@H contributions are hardly the golden ticket for acceptance.
  • botheredbothered Manchester UK
    edited June 2007
    Keebler wrote:
    1. Yes - it doesn't affect performance aside from higher-end games. You might want to disable it before firing up Oblivion or Half Live 2 (but I don't bother, personally, and have never seen an adverse effect). I don't have any dedicated folding boxes, only work rigs that happen to be folding.

    I don't bother turning folding off for anything, HL2, CoD2 multiplayer or even Stalker. I have turned it off to see what the difference is but cannot detect any.
  • LeonardoLeonardo Wake up and smell the glaciers Eagle River, Alaska Icrontian
    edited June 2007
    :cool:Mr. Burn, the other guys already said it all for me.

    We would welcome you as a team member.
  • edcentricedcentric near Milwaukee, Wisconsin Icrontian
    edited June 2007
    Or, install a switch to turn your lights off and let it run full time.
    Once you start collecting points it will become addictive.
  • QCHQCH Ancient Guru Chicago Area - USA Icrontian
    edited June 2007
    I'm interested in joining the F@H Icrontic team, but I have a few nagging questions to be asked.

    1. I only have one computer, if this one was folding, would I be able to use it, or (longshot) game on it while the folding program was running?

    2. Would my computer have to be on 24/7, as I have alot of lights on my comp, and I can only sleep in complete darkness. :zombie:

    3. Would I finally be respected as a contributing member to this forum? :wink:

    Thank you for asking questions about Fold@Home and being interested. Everyone before my post has said it all. Join on in and become an addict like many of us are. :D
  • RatBurger08RatBurger08 Corpus Christi, TX
    edited June 2007
    well, a problem with the lights, is that they aren't external lights, they're in the fans (came with the case) and motherboard lights (for some odd reason, everything has a red light for status)

    Thx for all the replies, but I kinda figured I already was (noted by the winking smiley face..) LOL But it does give me more confidence that this forum will be much different than other forums (in a good way). I also plan on raffling a projector or maybe a processor or something in the future to help me get up to Michigan next year for the LAN. And don't worry, just because I'm 17, I can still drink.. :) (not legally, but w/e).

    Here's to my future folding!
    (also, maybe you guys can hold a fund raiser to help me get a vid card so i can finally get my comp working..)

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