Ehh. n00b problems, i hope

RatBurger08RatBurger08 Corpus Christi, TX
edited July 2007 in Folding@Home

I just started FAH, as some of you might know, but I have some initial problems I'd like to address.

1. I followed the startup instructions per the guide on this forum, yet it says I'm folding under anonymous for team 0...

2. I selected start upon boot, but it never does. I don't mind having to manually start it up, but sometimes I forget..

3. Are there any SMx or ICx projects I might be able to host? (got tons of bandwidth and tons of old monitors and such, also tons of computer repair experience.. self taught) I thought maybe if I had a dedicated 'puter for it, it might have less problems running the program.

THX in advance,



  • CryptoCrypto W.Sussex UK Member
    edited July 2007
    Which client are you using? Graphical or Console?
  • RatBurger08RatBurger08 Corpus Christi, TX
    edited July 2007
    text only console
  • CryptoCrypto W.Sussex UK Member
    edited July 2007
    Sorry mate, I could help you with the graphical client but not the text only console...without a lot of research. I'm sure one of our team mates will step in here and walk you through.

    Good luck
  • KentigernKentigern Milton Keynes UK
    edited July 2007
    :wave: Hi Corey
    I found this thread really useful when I first set up F@H, please read all posts as they can help with quite a lot of extra solutions
  • RatBurger08RatBurger08 Corpus Christi, TX
    edited July 2007
    nvm, i ended up ditching the text only and got the graphical one, which seems to be working much better. Thx for anwering.

    (still need answer to #3 tho... :D)

  • QCHQCH Ancient Guru Chicago Area - USA Icrontian
    edited July 2007
    The SMx Project is under repair right now. We are working to fix up the rigs we have out there. There WILL be an opportunity for someone to host some of the open rigs. Just bare with the Team Committee... ;)
  • RatBurger08RatBurger08 Corpus Christi, TX
    edited July 2007
    no prob QCH..
    hehe :)

    Also, is there any reason I'm not showing up on the team page? Both consoles are now working, so I'm basically folding double time... I guess. (I love Dual Core!!)

    *edit* GAH, stupid thing put me under some other team name... WTF.. I think I'm just gonna start from scratch with the graphical console. new username and aything. LOL
  • SPIKE09SPIKE09 Scatland
    edited July 2007
    You can only use one GUI at a time, so it will be one gui and one console or two consoles. Just remember the -local flag and different machine ids under advanced options.
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