AMD reveals hand: 3.0GHz Barcelona shown

It's a grand day for AMD fans everywhere, friends. AMD's analyst day is currently going on, and the boys in green brought a 3GHz Barcelona with three 2900XTs in a "Tri-Fire" configuration to the party. This is significant because, up until now, the only demonstrated Barcelona silicon has been in the 2.4-2.6GHz range, leaving damn near everyone to believe that this was all their new silicon was capable of pushing. There were stories of bad yields, poor process and all sorts of nasty things, but here we are, a quad-core chip from AMD at the 3GHz on a stock cooler.
See more: Here
See more: Here
That is one serious piece of hardware.
No wonder why they can run this baby with a stock cooler. There's enough fans on the side panel to blow the case over
My advice to AMD is as follows: Put up or STFU!:bigggrin:
This could be the right way to do it. Let Intel show their hand so now AMD knows what it has to do. Hmm who says history doesn't do a 360?....
I think the fans are more for the 3 ATI "tri-fire" boards. I would shudder to pay the power bill for this set-up.
Hey, but it is at least not as depressing as before. Everything you wrote also applies to a couple months ago when the Barcelona they let people peek at was only a 2.4! All things being constant (which is not comforting), at least there is .5GHz improvement. Not much concrete yet, but nonetheless it's still progress.