Valve wins the internet (Distribution)

ID Software dropped one hell of a bomb on QuakeCon '07: Steam is now offering the complete library of titles, all the way back to Commander Keen, for ID Software. They can be purchased individually or in a package of titles. This denouement for Valve steels their Steam platform as the most title-diverse publishing and content delivery system on our wee planet.
Here be news.
Here be news.
Announcing they now have ID on board (which is one of the most prestigious game dev companies) is like when Apple announced they got Disney & ABC to put their shows and movies on iTunes - a big step toward solidifying their position as the only show in town for purchasing and downloading games.
Blizzard and EA are the other two heavy-hitters that come to mind besides Valve and ID... I'd bet Valve is working on them.
Don't discount Gametap, however. They just got the exclusive online distribution of all Codemasters games.
I've always loved Steam, and from the very first time I ever used it, I knew it was the future of game distribution. Given the choice between buying a game on Steam and buying a physical disc, I'll always opt for the online version. I can download it and play it on any computer I want.
Oh, and I noticed that Commander Keen is running in DOSBox when it runs from Steam.
Too bad EA doesn't hop on board, as much as I hate them my friends still play Battlefield 2 and I lost my CD1 and a no-cd hack gets me kicked off punkbuster servers despite me having a fully legal copy. Which has no need for a CD requirement if you ask me becuase it has a damned CD-Key and obviously punkbuster is doing a good job at preventing people from playing, including guys like me who already bought it and I'd hate to give EA more money for a game that still has glitches that should have been fixed by now.
Anyways I went off topic, but the concept of downloading games is fantastic, not needing a CD is even more fantastic!