Sid Meier’s Pirates: Live the Life

CB returns with the highest-scoring cheap game yet, Sid Meier's Pirates: Live the Life.
Sid Meier’s Pirates: Live the Life ($20) is pretty straightforward: Try to make a name for yourself in The New World to help you find your kidnapped family. The best way to get what you want in the Caribbean? Control the water ways.
I don’t know if you found it to be an issue as I did, but the sword fighting dynamic seemed all too simple. All one has to do is thrust a few times and the match is won. Pirates' simplicity is a a great selling point for the game, but at lower levels, I wanted more.
What makes up for it is the ship-to-ship cannon combat. I pity the man who sees the side of my ship.
Tis the cannon in your backside I fear!
I found that to be true on the lower difficulties, but when I got to the fourth difficulty level, I discovered that I had spoiled myself, as that tactic no-longer worked. It became important to actually watch and respond to the other swordsman, which I had not practiced, so I was readily defeated over and over, and had to go back down a notch in diff, so I could practice the mechanic the right way.
I think I remember checking for a patch, but I don't remember how hard I looked, or if I found one. I'll check when I get home tonight if the game is patched.