Vista Slow in opening dowloaded software

M new laptop is great but when I download and run new software, messenger etc, it goes through a lenthy "verification" process. Also, I get a lot more pop-ups asking if I really want to do a certain task. Is there any way to make vista less nannyish?
Actually, there are some adjustments you can do. I am unaware of such a configuration though, as I am a weeny and want everyone else to work the kinks out of Vista before I purchase it.
Seriously, there are some Vista knowledgeable people here who can help you. This next-to-worthless post just serves as a bump for your thread.
But you are also turning off some of the protection that prevents "nasties" from loading themselves.
I turned it off while I was getting my rig set up. But know that it is all loaded up with what I need I have turned it back on. It really only gets annoying when you are making a lot of changes. For normal use it does not bug me much at all.