Will it work?

SoLoSoLo DirtySouth, USA
edited August 2007 in Hardware
Hello all!

I have a question that im sure someone here can answer. Im not the smartest person when it comes to PC hardware but i know a little bit. So here it goes..

I bought some hardware for a rig im building but im not too sure if all the pieces are compatible. Could someone please confirm these part will work together..I have all the parts here at home with me and put everything together(sorta) but the rig doesnt turn on the way it should..heres the parts list:





Power Supply:


I know they are'nt the best parts but i really needed a new rig and my cashflow is very limited. So if someone here can please tell me if these parts work together it would help out a ton so i can start figuring out what im doing wrong for this rig not to boot up correctly..



  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited August 2007
    They're compatible.
  • SoLoSoLo DirtySouth, USA
    edited August 2007
    thank you kind sir! thats all i needed to know. buying the parts i was pretty sure everything worked with one another but needed someone like yourself to confirm. thank you very much!

    P.S. nice bucket! :P
  • SoLoSoLo DirtySouth, USA
    edited August 2007
    Once again thank you for the help.

    I have another small question i hope someone can help me with.

    Does this mother board i have need to be flashed with a floppy? like i said before i know a good bit aboutcomputer hardware but flash a bios on a MB is something ive never done or talked about with anyone.

    So is flashing the MB something i will need to do because right now the PC turns on fine but im not getting anything after that. No bios screen pops up after i boot the PC.

    thx in advance!

  • LeonardoLeonardo Wake up and smell the glaciers Eagle River, Alaska Icrontian
    edited August 2007
    PC turns on fine but im not getting anything after that
    Nothing at all shows on the monitor, not even a flicker or the __ cursor mark?
  • SoLoSoLo DirtySouth, USA
    edited August 2007
    negative. i have a gateway monitor hooked up to it and even tried D-Sub on back of my TV with nothing atall. not even a flicker. ive tried holding the correct button to get into the bios will still nothing. this rig has been sitting here because i just cant figue it out. I would like to take it to the local pc repair shop but i just cant afford $75 right now. I'm what you called "how did i get my self into this" broke. :)
  • SoLoSoLo DirtySouth, USA
    edited August 2007
    So noone can help me out?

    P.S I'm the only one logged in on the forums. I've never seen the forums like this.
  • TexTex Dallas/Ft. Worth
    edited August 2007
    no you and I are the only MEMBERS logged in.. there are 237 guests that could also help ya right now on here..

    Do lights and fans and the psu etc... come on for you? Have ya tried your old video card????
  • SoLoSoLo DirtySouth, USA
    edited August 2007
    hiya Tex!

    All lights,fans and dives seem to be working fine. The mother board has a 6100 Nvidia chipset on it so currently dont have a 3d card in the pcix16 slot. the moment i turn the PC on everything looks fine but dont get any image atall.

    been stuck like this for a while now but dont have any ideas.
  • TexTex Dallas/Ft. Worth
    edited August 2007
    slap a video card in there for starters! It is not a solution but just a testing thing.

  • edcentricedcentric near Milwaukee, Wisconsin Icrontian
    edited August 2007
    Check you mobo manual, is there a switch or jumper for the on-board video?
    Do you have all of the power connected (20+4)?
  • SoLoSoLo DirtySouth, USA
    edited August 2007
    dont remember seeing anything in the manual about a jumper for onboard but ill have a look at the book again tonight to make sure i didnt miss it.

    as of now i have the large power cable connected to my MB im guessing its 20 or 24 pins.

    I have a buddy bringing over one of his 7900 Nvidia cards tonight so we can rule out the onboard.
  • SPIKE09SPIKE09 Scatland
    edited August 2007
    looks like you have to connect the 4 pin aux power supply at the other end of the MOBO near the cpu socket.
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