Killing the "Insert" key.
I'm looking for a simple, FREE tool that allows me to kill the "Insert" key. I dunno how many times now I accidentally press it when I meant to hit the backspace.
I've Googled, and'ed it, and I can't find anything that's free (no nags or anything) and just makes the "Insert" key simply not do anything.
All I want is some free, itty-bitty utility that simply starts with Windows, and kills the “Insert” key. I'd prefer to not even see it's running (such as an icon in the tray), but I'll take what I can get.
Does anyone know of anything that fits this description? Or, could anyone program such a little app for me? I promise that if you do, I'd make you famous.
I suppose I could always physically remove the key, but I’d rather not resort to such a measure.
I've Googled, and'ed it, and I can't find anything that's free (no nags or anything) and just makes the "Insert" key simply not do anything.
All I want is some free, itty-bitty utility that simply starts with Windows, and kills the “Insert” key. I'd prefer to not even see it's running (such as an icon in the tray), but I'll take what I can get.
Does anyone know of anything that fits this description? Or, could anyone program such a little app for me? I promise that if you do, I'd make you famous.
I suppose I could always physically remove the key, but I’d rather not resort to such a measure.
One hint I used to stop hitting keys too far to right, is MOVE body LEFT. My center of body is aligned with the B key and not M. I have to REACH further to get to INSERT key, so almost never hit it.
But, yes, a character mapper would work fine. I think they were available for Windows 98 and down, have not seen a good one for XP. Essentially, it lets you tell the computer to treat the keycode it thinks is INSERT as if it were BACKSPACE if you want, by allowing you to alter the code at input time in the driver for the keyboard. Or, just position keyboard further to right if possible. Left edge of keyboard is even with my LEFT side, and keyboard stretches way to right. Monitor (my little 17" NEC LCD Panel) is centered on B key also, so that works fine. Left edge of viewing area on LCD is even with left edge of keyboard. Also, keyboard is VELCROed down, it will not slide around on my kinda slippery Lifetime Table used for desk. So I sit down with monitor centered and keyboard is right also, all the time.
OMG I ahte when it does that when i am typing a long essay and it starts to overwrite!! now i know how to fix it! You rock! :Rocker: Now when it happens i wont be so >:screwed:
What I want to know is what does the Scroll Lock key do?
Edit: Holy crap, where did all those posts come from?
As for the Insert key, Prime had it right.
Also, Shift+Insert is the same thing as Ctrl+V.
I use Ctrl+V nowadays but the first paste function I learned was Shift+Insert.
I believe the old IBM keyboard has 2.304x wide left shift, 2.5903x wide right shift, 1.926x backspace, and enter was either 2.7389x or 2.1996, depending on the year. 1986 and prior were the larger ones.
My keyboard is shifted so far right that it's out in the hallway. I've resorted to using telekinesis to avoid hitting the wrong keys.
EDIT: Anyway, try this, this, and this. Nothing specifically mentioning the Insert key but maybe you can find a way using these avenues.
See pic below for where my "Insert" key is. It isn't even active unless you have the "F lock" key pressed
Plus, the keyboard is ergonomic.. and once you get get adjusted to it.. it's a damn sight easier on the hands than a normal cramped keyboard
hahahha you guys are awesome.
Anyway, I also have the weird oriented middle block with the insert key way above, it's l33t, a lot different than the like 6 key horizontal style block, but i definitly like the big Delete key better, gets used the most of any of them anyway! Let me demonstrate with a fuzzy picture:
(you actually don't have to get a "Natural Keyboard", all microsoft 'multimedia' keyboards are set up this way, even the regular ones like mine
The 4 key still has the $ attached to it, the 3 key has the £ attached.
You wouldn’t believe how many keyboard remappers there are that either A: Will not remap the Insert key, or B: Do not work with Win2K/XP.
It's times like this I wish I knew C++. :banghead:
Here's how my US keyboard looks:
(First character is top row, second character is bottom)
Then its the same as yours the # key is over by the enter key under the ~ key just above the right shift key.
Please, don't thank me, just doing my bit.
The scroll lock key also messes with some stuff in excel spreadsheets...quite annoying. :d
"Why aren't the F'ing function keys working?!! ....Oh..."
Haha, I was thinking of doing that as well...
I just sorta went ->