I'm not folding..



  • EssoEsso Stockholm, Sweden
    edited September 2007
    Jokke and I am in trance sending PM's, to solve this problem.

    Temp over 60 C is no good while folding 24/7.
  • QeldromaQeldroma Arid ZoneAh Member
    edited September 2007
    MJancaitis wrote:
    Just thought I'd chime in - I've got a Turion X2 as well, and it's working on SMP on Linux downstairs.... Mine takes 35-45 minutes a frame....

    Many SMP WUs require 3 days. 45 minutes times 100 frames is over 3 days. If you shut down your machine to carry it place to place, it may not take much to have a 35+ minute/frame WU go over the limit as well.

    When you pass the 3 day deadline, some WUs will stop and not give you credit. On some other WUs, there is a 24hr grace period, but FAH suspects trouble and sends out the same WU to be folded on another machine. If you get the WU done in the 24hr grace period you will get full credit (and so will the other machine if it finishes on time) but one machine is wasted doing the same job.

    I'm glad it folds the SMPs and can possibly finish if it runs 24/7, but I'm not so sure about finishing so consistently close to or past the deadline. At what speed does the CPU run?

    BTW Jokke- it looks like you at least have the installation part ironed out. Would you mind telling us what kind of laptop you have and can you tell if the fan is working and feel air coming out the exhaust vent?
  • SnarkasmSnarkasm Madison, WI Icrontian
    edited September 2007
    Qeldroma wrote:
    Many SMP WUs require 3 days. 45 minutes times 100 frames is over 3 days. If you shut down your machine to carry it place to place, it may not take much to have a 35+ minute/frame WU go over the limit as well.

    When you pass the 3 day deadline, some WUs will stop and not give you credit. On some other WUs, there is a 24hr grace period, but FAH suspects trouble and sends out the same WU to be folded on another machine. If you get the WU done in the 24hr grace period you will get full credit (and so will the other machine if it finishes on time) but one machine is wasted doing the same job.

    I'm glad it folds the SMPs and can possibly finish if it runs 24/7, but I'm not so sure about finishing so consistently close to or past the deadline. At what speed does the CPU run?

    The machine runs constantly, and WUs generally take around 2 days. It's not a going-with-me laptop, it's just a second computer for my living room. I just checked the logs on it to make sure I'm not giving any stupid numbers; it generally takes 33 minutes to give me a 1-percent update (which I think is what you guys are calling frames, 5000 calculations or whatever), and my WUs finish with 33-40% of time to deadline remaining. That's all within the first "requested" deadline, not the "last-chance" one.

    I don't think I'm doing anything wrong, and as it's a static computer that never has any real processing loads on it and isn't getting shut down and transported and whatnot, I figured it could handle the SMP work. If I'm mistaken and I'm costing somebody work, let me know and I'll check stuff over with everybody. ;)
  • QeldromaQeldroma Arid ZoneAh Member
    edited September 2007
    MJancaitis wrote:
    ... If I'm mistaken and I'm costing somebody work, let me know and I'll check stuff over with everybody. ;)

    Actually, you can figure this out for yourself using FahMon. You can set it up to monitor all the systems on your LAN. It will give you an ETA for your WUs, the preferred and final deadlines, a viewscreen for your FAHLog.txt, etc.

    I really don't think anyone who folds SMPs should be without this.

    A sample screenshot -

  • SnarkasmSnarkasm Madison, WI Icrontian
    edited September 2007
    I use FahMon on three individual computers; I'd have them all controlled from the desktop upstairs, but I can't figure out how to network into my Ubuntu box, haha. I suck.

    I want to get them to monitor the PS3 too, but no way to get in there as far as I know. Can you guys help me with the networking issue?
  • QeldromaQeldroma Arid ZoneAh Member
    edited September 2007
    I don't use Ubuntu or the PS3, but the trick is to share your folding directory on the network so FahMon can get at the FAHLog.txt file. Many Linux gurus here can walk you through that on the Linux rig, but the PS3?- I'll look around.
  • JokkeJokke Bergen, Norway Icrontian
    edited September 2007
    What's a WU, and what's SMP?
  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited September 2007
    WU = Work unit: This is the actual "chunk" of data that your computer is folding. It gets a WU from stanford, works on it, and then sends the WU back when it is done crunching.

    SMP = Symmetric Multi Processing = More than one processor core. The SMP units are worth much more than regular WUs because the SMP core can processes a greater amount of data.
  • JokkeJokke Bergen, Norway Icrontian
    edited September 2007
    Right, thanks, now I know.
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