I'm not folding..
Bergen, Norway Icrontian
..But I want to. I have installed the program (console version), and done everything according to the instructions here: http://icrontic.com/forum/showthread.php?t=29800
But when I go through my processes there are none saying [EMAIL="F@H"]F@H[/EMAIL] or anything... Have I done anything wrong?
But when I go through my processes there are none saying [EMAIL="F@H"]F@H[/EMAIL] or anything... Have I done anything wrong?
Are you folding in Windows (XP, Vista)? What version of the client did you download? Did you set it up as a service?
However, also post the FAHlog.txt and client.cfg files from the directory you installed folding in.
EDIT ADDED: BTW, thanks for pitching in- I hope we get this cleared up soon.
You created a folder called folding, or what ever you want.
You down loaded the console version into it.
you then ran it from that folder.
It asked a bunch of questions (name, team, and so on)
Did you tell it to install as a service? To always start running at start up.
-I don't do this because no one but me uses my computers so I don't worry about someone else shutting it off.
Now if you look in that folder there will be a f@h.exe file.
What isn't right?
Uploaded FAHlog.txt but it wont upload client.cfg.
This is indicative of a healthy client with a normal shutdown- did you end it?
You have a couple of ways of doing this, but let's go by the book for now and see what happens:
FAH Wiki version of Client installation on Vista Procedure
Let us know how it goes ...
[10:47:49] Writing local files
[10:47:54] Extra SSE boost OK.
[10:47:55] Writing local files
[10:47:55] Completed 0 out of 250000 steps (0)
[11:41:43] Writing local files
[11:41:43] Completed 2500 out of 250000 steps (1)
[12:32:04] Writing local files
[12:32:04] Completed 5000 out of 250000 steps (2)
It's just so damn slow. The clock is now 15:17 local time. So nothing new has happend in about three hours...
I'm afraid I'm not familiar with your rig. What's in it?
The 5.04 client is a single threaded client and will only use one core's worth of CPU capacity. How fast it folds will depend on what CPU you have and what project/protein you're folding. Post your log again, this time from the point where you began loading the client to where it is now- it should tell us the project you're folding.
As far as system performance, The Turion X2 is a good processor, but not a performance CPU with a large amount of cache- so I would not recommend running an SMP client on it (which you aren't). You are at least running the right client for the system you have- but let's get this figured out first.
If you have diagnostic tools that came with your system, you could try running them. You might also try Memtest to see if you may have a weak memory area.
I also thought that you might be trying to run more than one of the same instance. Run FAH in configuration mode (that's \FAH504-Console.exe -config from a DOS command prompt) and set it so that it won't run as a service. Remove any shortcuts you may have created- esp. in the Startup folder. Now try uninstalling F@H from everywhere you can think of- doing a search for the .exe files (in your case FAH504-Console.exe) removing the entire installation directory with it. Reboot and verify you do not have FAH running.
Reinstall using a different directory name and do NOT install it as a service. Create a desktop icon and run it and, if OK, leave it running from there just to see if it works right.
Done. Now we'll see.......
Sorry if this has already been discussed and thrown out amongst yourselves, but installing as a service pretty much hides it from you in my experience, so I thought I'd mention it.
Create the directories C:\FAH and C:\FAH\FAH1
Download the folding client program, FAH504-Console.exe
And save it in the folder C:\FAH\FAH1
Skip the new beta client, version 6.01. Don't know how good it is.
Create the following two files in the directory C:\FAH\FAH1, with the following contents
File: 1_Config.cmd
FAH504-Console -configonly
File: 2_Make.cmd
FAH504-Console -local -verbosity 9 -forceasm -advmethods
Click on file 1_Config.cmd, and setup your folding data as follows.
Fill in the data, marked in Red.
Otherwise just press the "enter" key.
Note Jokke666 is no good because of the tripple 6, please reconsider
Folding configure parameters.
(such work units may have large memory demands) (no/yes) [no]?
Advanced option menu.
Since you are using an Laptop, I thought it would be a good ide to use only 90 % of the CPU.
Now we come to the problem you initially had.
It could be caused by memory/HDD problem, or to much system heat.
As Qeldroma mentioned, test the system memory using Memtest 86
OBS. test number 5 (press keys: C 1 3 5 <enter> 0 ), will make the memory run very hot.
Remember this is an laptop, without proper cooling fan etc.
Monitor the CPU heat using Central Brain Identifier
It's located under tab Mobility->P-States.
To start the folding, just open the window and click on the 2_make.cmd file.
No need for Windows dos command anymore.
Open the window and get to c:\fah\fah1 and with the mouse select file -> new -> Text document.
Edit the file, save it and afterwards just rename the file.
What is the CPU temp ?
CPU2 ThrmSensor: Between 65-67 degrees C
64-67 C is just a little bit to much.
Try configure it with 80% CPU usage.
For what it's worth, I don't want you to break your portable computer.
Remember that the intention to fold is good enought.