Ack D@mn biostar.
I was building a system for a client that had biostars latest offering, the M7NCD Pro.. Which is based on the nForce 2. It was complimented by an Athlon xp 2500 Barton which wouldnt over clock for ****, And 2 sticks of buffalo pc3200 256mb in dual channel. Well, after xp was installed. The first thing i did was install the onboard ethernet so i could get on biostars amazingly slow site to download the nforce driver pack at an amazing 12kb/s. After it installed it asked me about installing the ide chipset drivers so i said ok.. Well after reboot it decided that the WD 80GB SE was a scsi drive, And I was bombarded by errors.. It was bluescreen stop hell.. To remedy the situation i removed those little ****ers as soon as i could. Now, Is there something that makes the chipset drivers not get along with the wd 80gb se or is it the biostar mb? BTW i only distribute biostar mb's to customers.... I prefer to use abit or asus...

I'd format and reinstall windows, but that's just me...
Regardless of whether you reinstall windows or not, install nVidia's latest chipset drivers from their site ( , of course).