I just want to thank everyone for a great time! There were many challenges, some verbal, some silent...BUT NO ONE COULD OUT DRINK TEH FATCAT! Some thought they could just out drink me, and they are praying to porcelian god right now, others are wondering how they could possibly out do me next time.
Anyways, The First Annual Oktoberfest was a huge success!!! Plans are possibly in store for Mardi Gras this spring
Just arrived home safe and sound. Spoke to FatCat and T_T about an hour ago....they should be fairly close to T_T's place by now and then have FC headed for Mizzou.
Since no one should be exempt from horrible and embarrassing pictures, I hereby submit a photo that GHoosdum took of me, wondering at the large sausage I was about to consume....
On the way to Chicago, the_technocrat and I saw the HL2:Ep2 gnome on the dashboard of a Honda CRV. Exact one from the game!
I can't stress enough how perfect this gnome was. As in, down to the detail of the swirls on the beard, not to mention the *exact* color, etc. it was the *exact* same gnome.
The award goes to GHOOSDUM. Thanks to StainMeNow (the BEER POLICE) for babysitting!
I just want to thank everyone for a great time! There were many challenges, some verbal, some silent...BUT NO ONE COULD OUT DRINK TEH FATCAT! Some thought they could just out drink me, and they are praying to porcelian god right now, others are wondering how they could possibly out do me next time.
Anyways, The First Annual Oktoberfest was a huge success!!! Plans are possibly in store for Mardi Gras this spring
I like the inspirational Raphael picture to his right.
Mind you, this is AFTER EVERYONE HAS LEFT. We had approximately three times this much to start with
Thanks for a great time everyone! Extra thanks to my beer police for everything and to Eric, especially for stopping the car in time.
What a beautiful pic!:bigggrin:
,,,hope you all had an excellent time
Can't wait for the next party!
[IMG]http://icrontic.com/images/fatcat/okto 002.JPG[/IMG]
I can't stress enough how perfect this gnome was. As in, down to the detail of the swirls on the beard, not to mention the *exact* color, etc. it was the *exact* same gnome.