PC in the crapper...so need some advice for upgrades...

budhisetiawanbudhisetiawan Mars Hill, NC Member
edited December 2007 in Hardware
As some may know...i have had some issues as of recent....well tracked it down to the MB and the VC...so time to replace both which inturn means also replacing my monitor....but thats it so I want to continue using all the other stuff.....knowing that...

Take a look at my Sig and tell me what you think!....Cash is a big issue...am on a tight budget....I mean tite!....mispelled on purpose...i cant afford to right spelling is how tight! Why I am using some of the old crap I have....

So basics...I am needing to reuse the DDR 400's I have.....the Manchester....the HD's....hmmm...think that gets us...oh and the burner...but other than that....it must have everything else onboard!....SOOOO...where does that leave us?

Suggestions? Pls???

I started looking at this:


But it has not DVI and I am pretty sure my new LCD is going to have DVI! so dont i need it?


  • budhisetiawanbudhisetiawan Mars Hill, NC Member
    edited November 2007
    ok...the more i looked the more i dont think this is for me...I have IDE drives...this doesnt support those does it? also I have added a Multi Card thinng in the front...Does this support that? What am I looking for in the specs for these things....things have changed so much...lol....man I am getting old!
  • adarryladarryl No Man Stands So Tall As When He Stoops To Help a Child. Icrontian
    edited November 2007
    If you click on the "specifications" tab, you will see that the mobo has the following:

    Storage Devices
    PATA 2 x ATA100 4 Dev. Max
    SATA 1.5 Gb/s 2

    The PATA are your IDE connectors so this board has 2. The SATA is only 1.5 Gb instead of the more desirable 3.0 so that is a drawback for upgrading.

    The on-board graphics are analog not digital as you discovered. However, a digital monitor could connect to that board with an adapter.

    Where there is a will, there is usually a way. That board will work for what you have in mind with the qualifiers above. GL!
  • edcentricedcentric near Milwaukee, Wisconsin Icrontian
    edited November 2007
    I am not a big fan of Foxcon, but this is an NF mobo.
    Better chipset and video than the Asus.
    Should let you just cross over your parts.
  • budhisetiawanbudhisetiawan Mars Hill, NC Member
    edited November 2007
    Thx for the speedy replies u 2....Like Darryl said the Asus is not Ideal...and I am not the yougster I used to be pushing the limits and stuff...I have games systems for games and use my pc for the usual family stuff now...an occasional game but usually my old stuff or online cards or something...but lots of pics and stuff now w/ a family....Games are w/ teh xbox...

    Anyway...unless I hear otherwise...it seems EDC has picked out a suitable MB for me that fits my needs quite well and leave me with only having to buy this and a Monitor which is a bullseye for what I was looking for!

    One thing..the Multi card thing I just put in...noone mentioned that! what is the connection called that that is....in the specs...like how did yah know that these boards would support that?...right now it is connected to a little like 9 pin thing on the board...
  • adarryladarryl No Man Stands So Tall As When He Stoops To Help a Child. Icrontian
    edited November 2007
    Multi-card readers generally connect to USB pins on your motherboard. The 9 pin female plug you are talking about is a 5 beside 4 USB tail. Just look for open USB pins on your mobo or refer to the mobo manual.
  • budhisetiawanbudhisetiawan Mars Hill, NC Member
    edited November 2007
    hmmm....so looking at that foxconn board...where it says 2 onboard connectors...then we are cool...

    Awsome...I just ordered the board and had $25 in credit w/ Newegg so board cost me like $15 YAHOOO....

    Thx for the help All...and thx for the find and link EDC
  • budhisetiawanbudhisetiawan Mars Hill, NC Member
    edited November 2007
    Crrrraaaaaaapppp.....this Board Is 24 Pin!!!! *&#$*^


    Am I Crap Out Of Luck Now?
  • budhisetiawanbudhisetiawan Mars Hill, NC Member
    edited November 2007
    ok...well i started reading the manual a little closer and it does say it will run on the 20 you just have to place it all the way to a specific side....DOES THAT MAKE SINCE TO ANYONE?

    Anyway...I did all that and nothing...so I tech support and no beeps or nothing....so they say its a bad board and to RMA it....grrrrr...forgot to ask bout the 24 20 thing...was too worried that they may say...u srewed the pooch dude...lol....
  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited November 2007
    It makes sense.
  • budhisetiawanbudhisetiawan Mars Hill, NC Member
    edited November 2007
    k....so a 24 can run on a 20? someone has done this or is doing this?

    Gotta give FoxConn props though...the tech was A++++
  • mmonninmmonnin Centreville, VA
    edited November 2007
    You might void the warranty running only 20 pins. I know DFI wont offer support for other problems if you only have a 20pin PSU.

    The 4 pins are grouped together and are placed on one end of the 20pins....so when plugging it into its port on the motherboard it should go all to 1 side and not with 2 pins on either end.
  • budhisetiawanbudhisetiawan Mars Hill, NC Member
    edited November 2007
    I went ahead and got one of the 20 to 24 pin adapters from NewEgg for $5 shipped.....now when the MB comes back we will be good to go....
  • budhisetiawanbudhisetiawan Mars Hill, NC Member
    edited November 2007
    Well I spoke too soon...the MB came in and it is doing the same thing...no tones w/ only the CPU, Heatsink, Main Power, 12v and PSWitch connected...no memory nothing...and I get nothing...no sound or nothing...Tech says the likely hood of getting two bad boards is slim to none....I dont buy it...

    So I want to try another board....anyone have another suggestion...somethig w/ the same features?

    I have already spent $8 bucks shipping the first MB back and now sending this one is going to be another $8...heck ....if this keeps going ...i should have just bought a BB system!....LOL..and throw my stuff in it...


  • budhisetiawanbudhisetiawan Mars Hill, NC Member
    edited December 2007
    nothing....from noone?

  • Your-Amish-DaddyYour-Amish-Daddy The heart of Texas
    edited December 2007
    Looks like you're not pushing enough amperage.
  • budhisetiawanbudhisetiawan Mars Hill, NC Member
    edited December 2007
    How is that the case YAD

    Its a freaking 520 PSU...and nothing but the cpu on the board.......how would i dianose it that is true?
  • Your-Amish-DaddyYour-Amish-Daddy The heart of Texas
    edited December 2007
    Amps mean marmalade to watts dude. Snap at me. I dare you.

    Anyway, if you don't have enough amps it doesn't matter what your wattage is. You never even say what the power supply is. And alot of newer boards REQUIRE the 24pin. I mean mine does, says it in the manual.
  • BuddyJBuddyJ Dept. of Propaganda OKC Icrontian
    edited December 2007
    Did you try the board with the memory installed? Did you try and fire it up inside or outside of the case? Are you sure the power switch you have works correctly, or did you jump the pins with a knife/paperclip/etc...? Is the PSU turned on? Have you tested the PSU?

    I think there's a lot more that should be examined before you jump to saying that a 520 Watt PSU isn't enough to boot the naked board.

    (I triple dog dare YAD no-take-backs)
  • budhisetiawanbudhisetiawan Mars Hill, NC Member
    edited December 2007

    Not snapping...asking! Thats why there is a (?) not an (!)


    Yea...i did..just for kicks...I put it together...w/ the mem and no HD..just video and mem and cpu....oh and the PSW jumper and nothing...

    THe fans are all coming on...the CPU fan is firing up and just no tones or pic...

    I used a fries PSU tester the light kind..and it fired up no issues...

    Once all started going down hill i have been working outside the case...
  • BuddyJBuddyJ Dept. of Propaganda OKC Icrontian
    edited December 2007
    Oh, try clearing the CMOS and replacing the battery with a new one. I had the same issues you're having (no boot, no beep) and it turned out to be a dead CMOS battery.
  • budhisetiawanbudhisetiawan Mars Hill, NC Member
    edited December 2007
    no go...

    Replaced it..and same thing...

    Sooooo..here is what I did...

    I gave NewEgg a call and told them what I have...to break a long 30 min call down...they are RMAin this board for a full refund and I have now ordered a new board and CPU now for an additional $20....YES...thats not a misprint...$20...upgrading to a 4200+ for $20.

    Now we will never no if it was the boards or the CPU or what...unless of course i get the MB and CPU in and the dang thing still doesnt work...GRRR...

    OHHH..and they OVER NIGHTED my order for free...lol....gotta love newegg...if there is one thing you can count on...its their CS....lol...

    WIll be back when the stuff gets in....
  • budhisetiawanbudhisetiawan Mars Hill, NC Member
    edited December 2007
    This is crazy...I have now recieved the overnight and put it all together...actually at this point i am so parnoid that i am an idiot...i have a friend from the college IT come and just watch...lol...but nothing....we get the same results. Finally we put the old MB in and got it to boot w/ a PCI card in...to find out that my Mem, CPU, PSU, & the a PCI card we using to test the bad MB's is good. So now I have proven that NewEgg has sent me 3 bad MB...

    I am so pissed...calling NewEgg Monday...Now I need your help! Only board i see that will meet me my needs is the ASUS they have...but it doesnt have onboard DVI/VGA but i have some cards around the house that will do that so all i need is to reuse my MEM, HD's, CPU, and Case.....HELP...any thoughts?

    By the way...NewEgg has warn out its welcome....lol..needless to say...i will be shoping for whatever you come up w/ someowhere else!....TIA
  • Your-Amish-DaddyYour-Amish-Daddy The heart of Texas
    edited December 2007
    Well, Zipzoomfly is a newegg partner...
    Tigerdirect's prices are outrageous but they offer same-day shipping for orders in by 5...
    mwave has the worst quality control in the world(5 motherboards, Biostar Nforce 6100's were bad in a row due to mishandling.)

    You're probably gonna have to hit local places up.
  • budhisetiawanbudhisetiawan Mars Hill, NC Member
    edited December 2007
    do you agree YAD w/ the process of allimination that we have covered that it has to be 3 bad MB's now? As impossible as it is for me to believe...this seems to be the case seeing that my PSU, MEM, CPU & HD have all checked out?
  • Your-Amish-DaddyYour-Amish-Daddy The heart of Texas
    edited December 2007
    Your doing it right, but do you have a verified platform tester handy? Nerds tend to keep memory testers handy and they're alot more accurate than most bioses unless you've got a biostar T series board...Then the bios is 100% accurate since it checks with Memtest. Processors have lied before, but your method is working.

    I'd buy a different brand, but newegg's not at fault really. They don't have the time or money to take out every board and test them all...
  • budhisetiawanbudhisetiawan Mars Hill, NC Member
    edited December 2007
    Well...I pulled the Mem on all MBs and the MBs should at least Toned up and I am getting nothing....

    Guessing i dont have a platform tester since I dont even know what it is...lol....

    So ...what do you suggest? The way i see it, these are my options:

    NewEgg and let them have it for another bad board...and then have them take the the CPU and MB back for a REFUND.

    I can send them back and exchange for another board from NewEgg...but I will not get another Foxconn...thinking this one!

    I can send them back and get a refund and purchase from somewhere else maybe one of these?:

    The issue is I only have an old PCI video card or an AGP card to work w/ for video...when looking at these boards..

    I can send them back for a full refund! and just give up and by a BB system...lol...

    Which do you think?....or maybe a better suggestion?
  • Your-Amish-DaddyYour-Amish-Daddy The heart of Texas
    edited December 2007
    Biostar makes choice boards...I've been hearing alot of rumblings of unhappy asus customers again so I'd stay away from them. My question is; why aren't you going AM2 since you're going A64?
  • budhisetiawanbudhisetiawan Mars Hill, NC Member
    edited December 2007
    because I already have a 939 Chip on hand....
  • Your-Amish-DaddyYour-Amish-Daddy The heart of Texas
    edited December 2007
    Well then, I reccomend the Biostar Tforce 6100, One I currently own. It's got an FX-55 in it clocked to 3.0...Handles it well, but the heat's unbearable...
  • budhisetiawanbudhisetiawan Mars Hill, NC Member
    edited December 2007
    Difference in the Geforce and the Tforce? Seems the Tforce is AM2 unless i spend like $100...on MB...
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