Problems with New Computer setup
I just got a new DFI LanParty NFII Ultra MoBo and a XP2500+. After I installed the new MoBo and processor with GHoosdum's help my computer keeps locking up after about an hour or so. I've run RegSupreme at GH's suggestion but it keeps locking up. I don't want to format the HD and reinstall Win XP fresh but unless you guys have some ideas I may have to. I've updated the Bios to the latest version and downloaded and installed SP1 for WinXP from Microsoft. Any ideas on what I can do to fix this problem? The frequent lockups are a pain in the butt.
Crazy Joe
Crazy Joe
I am almost ashamed to post this, but I do have a reputation to uphold, so:
test your memory first and foremost before you do anything else.
I was going to recommend that to him, but after relaxing the memory timings to worse than rated timings, it still does it. It might be a bad stick of RAM, but it is brand new....
It's running the stock AMD heatsink, since after he paid for his SLK900A at SVC they told him they'd ship him one when they got back in stock...
Could be heat, but it's in the high 30s low 40s C at full load.
Could be a heat issue, but if it is in the 30s at full load I doubt that. Make sure everything is seated correctly.
Make sure the video card drivers are loaded, I've seen problems like this with xp and video drivers.
Vid: Radeon 9500
IF you decide to reinstall XP, make sure you go in this order: WinXP -> SP1 -> NForce chipset drivers (which I believe would also encompass LAN and sound, if not, you still want to do them before video)-> Windows updates -> DX9 -> video last. I personally would do this, to try eliminate software as the issue. Reset bios to 'safe defaults' before doing so, other than disabling non-used onboard features.
I still think it's hardware tho - a loose wire, fluctuating voltage, heat, ???? Maybe try UNDOING all electrical connections and removing all devices then re-installing, as a double check against something not *quite* seated properly.
That should really be a rockin system, you have all good or better quality components in there, other than the stock heatsink.
You have a memory problem:
Long Beeps Short Beeps Booting Status
-- 1 Booting Successfully
-- 2 CMOS setup error
1 -- Memory module error
1 1 DRAM or motherboard error
1 2 Display or display card error
1 3 Keyboard controller error
1 9 Flash RAM or EEPROM error (BIOS)
Constantly -- Power source , display card improperly connected
-- Constantly Power Source
Although it may have passed MEMTEST, you may have a problem with your BIOS settings. Is this overclocked in any way? Is your memory set for the correct speed for your CPU? Are you running any background apps that could be tying up the memory?
//edit: There should be no background apps tying up memory now either, since he's running a fresh install...
How do you tell the difference between 1 "Long Beeps" and "Constantly" "Long Beeps"? When I heard it, it just beeped once really long until he shut it off... If it's "Constantly" then it seems that it's a PSU or Video Card Connnection issue...
Joe, reseat your video card and disconnect and reconnect all your power connectors. Also, if you still have the molex to floppy power adapter, plug that onto the video card and connect it to a molex instead of using the floppy power connector we've got on there.
That's true. It was 3 AM when I posted that and I had just put a crying baby back to bad for the 3rd I was a little foggy, did not even see the "constant" one.
Having re-read my own post :rolleyes2 I agree with GH - a borked PS or a VC issue. Try some loaners and see where that gets you. Also, check video card settings in BIOS, memory hole, AGP speed, etc.
Did that. I'll keep everyone up to date as to the status of my rig. Hopefully we can get this up and running at normal speeds before my new heatsink/fan comes in and I can OC.
This is agravating me that it's not working properly. I seem to have such issues with new systems... :banghead:
Crazy Joe
What do the voltages look like right now?
Depends on the video card. Many cards need a 64 MB hole. What is the model? What is the AGP rating? Let's look it up in the manual and see if that gets you anywhere?
And forgive me if this question is too basic...but when you changed the mobo, did you reinstall all the hardware drivers associated? Ie, audio, UDMA / IDE accelerators, NIC, etc, etc.
The video card is a Sapphire Radeon 9500 128MB (the one based on the 9700 PCB).