Oops, Killed a WU!
I reset my CMOS earlier today because my board wouldn't POST when I tried to OC it above 200 FSB - and I forgot to set the date forward from Jan 1 2002 (BIOS default).
I got home from work today 55% of the way through a WU. I noticed the incorrect date.
Not thinking right, I set the date forward to the correct date in Windows.
I lost the WU because it thought I passed the deadline.
Oops. :banghead:
I got home from work today 55% of the way through a WU. I noticed the incorrect date.
Not thinking right, I set the date forward to the correct date in Windows.
I lost the WU because it thought I passed the deadline.
Oops. :banghead:
Still can't figure out what caused the BSOD.
When I attempted to restart both clients, they just hung at the 75% completed mark. After running for 2 hours, neither WU advanced any more. I had to delete each client and set everything up again.
Now I'm stuck on these damned Tinker units that take forever.
Oh well, that's life.