I sold my soul - finally giving Abit another chance...
The Newegg $89 NF7-S special was just too good to pass up - I ordered one of the suckers to see if Abit can make up for the mobo that died on me a few years ago. I'm trying to unload the DFI board to replace it with the lower-priced Abit (trimming back my PCs to account for losing job)...
/me crosses fingers and hopes the Abit is as good as everyone keeps saying it is...
/me crosses fingers and hopes the Abit is as good as everyone keeps saying it is...
Rob, you are going to love it.
I caved and bought the third one today while it was on sale.
Side note for business folk as well as reason for not hopping to an NF7-S NOW.
Can't afford it right now, need a better accounting package than Simply Accounting Pro and the local Accountant says PEachtree Complete or Quickbooks Premier. So, ordered Peachtree Complete as can get a $60.00 Atomic Park rebate AND a Peachtree $30.00 competitive software switch rebate through December 31, 2003.
AtomicPark has it for $244.00 before rebate which is less than the QB PRemier minus a $160.00 US rebate because one of my Dad's lagacies to me was an old QB for Widnows 95 for which service packs are no longer available and it does not like 98 SE at all and 98 SE likes it gawdawfully without a service pack Intuit has ZERO of around on floppy to ship. QB is easier for someone not educated in accounting, Peachtree has more flexibilty builtin.
6 SATA, OTES, Active N/B cooling, IDE RAID, 3.2V VDIMM. You can't go wrong.
ABIT does kick ass
/me jumps in.
Just built my 3rd NF7-s - It's a Great Board. Definately Abit Best motherboard ever! (to date that is...
I agree that the NF7-S 2.0 is one of Abit's best boards ever.:D
However, I can't complain about my NF7-S either, since it overclocks higher and has been no more trouble than the ASUS...
Other than that, I absolutely love the NF7-s v2.0. And, like I said, I'm pretty sure the instabilities are due to too high of an O/C w/ not enough CFM to keep it cool in extreme circumstances and/or CPU disconnect.
I'm also debating on whether to use that SATA convertor thingy... opinions?