IE8 passes important test
🐌Austin, TX Icrontian
<p>The Acid2 test is an <a href="">important step</a> in the development of a browser. It's an unofficially official test that stresses the compliance of the browser to accepted HTML and CSS standards. To date, no version of Internet Explorer has succeeded in this test, while most alternative browsers have been passing for years.</p>
<p>With a beta expected in the first half of 2008, Internet Explorer 8 has passed the test and is moving forward with a focus on standards compliance. The major challenge for the IE dev team will be supporting the broken legacy rendering levied by IE6 while looking to the future with a standardized internet.</p>
<p>The final version is quite a long way off, and all good things are subject to change, but the birth of IE's newest iteration is a happy one.</p>
<p>See also: <a href="">2 Browsers, 1 Crybaby</a> & <a href="">Opera Kicks the Hornet's Nest</a> (Via Icrontic)</p>
<p>With a beta expected in the first half of 2008, Internet Explorer 8 has passed the test and is moving forward with a focus on standards compliance. The major challenge for the IE dev team will be supporting the broken legacy rendering levied by IE6 while looking to the future with a standardized internet.</p>
<p>The final version is quite a long way off, and all good things are subject to change, but the birth of IE's newest iteration is a happy one.</p>
<p>See also: <a href="">2 Browsers, 1 Crybaby</a> & <a href="">Opera Kicks the Hornet's Nest</a> (Via Icrontic)</p>
Passing Acid2 is a important step but they are still years behind the curve here. Of course this is MS we are talking about so I guess that shouldn't be a surprise.
firefox 2 fails the test...
i don't know about opera.