I'm currently researching watercooling myself as I'd like a quieter system. There are quite a lot of forums out there on this subject, it seems.
My friend Jimborae is currently building a system... see: http://www.short-media.com/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=4755
for the shortmedia link. There are also quite a few links there for other usefull watercooling forums.
Search Procooling.com, they have an extensive article database and the most competent forum on this subject.
I myself just finished my WC rig, was worth it all the way, quiet and cool.
I'm hoping to build a watercooled rig on the basis of::
Dangerden cooling blocks
Enheim pump
tygon tubes 1/2"
(not sure on the res. or rad. yet)??
Papst 120mm fansx2
Did some costs... about £200 all in.
Thrax had this to say Good luck getting much better than good air cooling when going that route.
WaterChill CPU/VGA/Chip set Power kit - KT12-L30 (115V) ...
where are the kits defficiencies? $279
maybe we could compile a list of parts to complete a wc rig.
Csimon had this to say
Maybe we could compile a list of parts to complete a wc rig.
Agree. There are several threads about wc and most of them contain good advices. A thread should be made with a complete list of parts needed for wc as well as mounting advices and the thread should be hammered so it stays available for newcomers as well.
Geeky1University of the Pacific (Stockton, CA, USA)
edited December 2003
Not a bad idea guys. Give me a little while to figure out the details, and I'll get it taken care of.
BlackHawkBible music connoisseurThere's no place like
edited December 2003
csimon had this to say I'm looking at complete kits.
WaterChill CPU/VGA/Chip set Power kit - KT12-L30 (115V)?
not much better than air cooling?
IMHO complete kits are for people that want to go the quiet route. Most that really want to get low temps usually just cool the cpu and maybe the video card.
Is an L30, with its high flow rate, really necessary to get better temps?
I have both an L20 & L30 pump, at present I'm using the L20 pump. Not tried the the L30 pump yet and dont really see a need to swap as my temps sit around 40c, full load, case temps are 30c. Would I get better temps swapping the pumps?
More powerfull pump creates more heat that is released in the case. BTW i meant a list if you don't go for kit. Besides if you go for kit you get everything and don't need a list. Go for it Geeky 1.
I'm currently researching watercooling myself as I'd like a quieter system. There are quite a lot of forums out there on this subject, it seems.
My friend Jimborae is currently building a system... see: http://www.short-media.com/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=4755
for the shortmedia link. There are also quite a few links there for other usefull watercooling forums.
I myself just finished my WC rig, was worth it all the way, quiet and cool.
I'm hoping to build a watercooled rig on the basis of::
Dangerden cooling blocks
Enheim pump
tygon tubes 1/2"
(not sure on the res. or rad. yet)??
Papst 120mm fansx2
Did some costs... about £200 all in.
WaterChill CPU/VGA/Chip set Power kit - KT12-L30 (115V)?
not much better than air cooling?
where are the kits defficiencies? $279
maybe we could compile a list of parts to complete a wc rig.
Agree. There are several threads about wc and most of them contain good advices. A thread should be made with a complete list of parts needed for wc as well as mounting advices and the thread should be hammered so it stays available for newcomers as well.
I have both an L20 & L30 pump, at present I'm using the L20 pump. Not tried the the L30 pump yet and dont really see a need to swap as my temps sit around 40c, full load, case temps are 30c. Would I get better temps swapping the pumps?