IcronticHQ goes 1080p

We caved. We caved bad. Super Bowl sales inserts came in the Sunday paper today and ... they were just too good to pass up.
When making a major purchase decision such as buying a 46" 1080p HDTV, you need to do it properly. That is, you need to live the Icrontic life.
Most people would do the research, read what they could, maybe ask some questions on some forums. Solicit opinions from friends, maybe buy a magazine. You know. Normal.
Not Icrontians. No.
We assemble a crack team - one nerd with great credit, one former Best Buy employee and HDTV expert, and a sugar daddy who is going to put up a place to host the beast as well as provide the sundries (like an HDMI PS3 blu-ray player, video game consoles, and movies, cables, etc.)
Off to Best Buy we go - cursory sales info and 5 minute web research in our heads.
I'll spare the gory details, which involved buying more than we came for (which is the American way), but in the end we walked out with a gigantic box containing a Samsung 46" 1080p 15000:1 display.
Then we realized that by cramming this beast into Keebler's VW Jetta hatchback, we wouldn't have a seat for a Thrax.
Well, if it comes down to HDTV or Thrax, of course the right choice was TV. Thrax's comfort be damned, we crammed him into a tiny Thrax-sized divot in the very very way back of the car. **** 'im.
Of course, the setup and initial consumption of 300 in 1080p was incredibly sublime, and does not need to be discussed lest we appear to be rubbing it in. All I can say is: HAHAHAH SUCKERS

Thrax crammed into his pocket o' VW

We just had no concern at all for his comfort or safety

Keebler flaccid - post 300

This is doing it no justice. It must be seen to be believed.

Thrax gets his Forza II on.
When making a major purchase decision such as buying a 46" 1080p HDTV, you need to do it properly. That is, you need to live the Icrontic life.
Most people would do the research, read what they could, maybe ask some questions on some forums. Solicit opinions from friends, maybe buy a magazine. You know. Normal.
Not Icrontians. No.
We assemble a crack team - one nerd with great credit, one former Best Buy employee and HDTV expert, and a sugar daddy who is going to put up a place to host the beast as well as provide the sundries (like an HDMI PS3 blu-ray player, video game consoles, and movies, cables, etc.)
Off to Best Buy we go - cursory sales info and 5 minute web research in our heads.
I'll spare the gory details, which involved buying more than we came for (which is the American way), but in the end we walked out with a gigantic box containing a Samsung 46" 1080p 15000:1 display.
Then we realized that by cramming this beast into Keebler's VW Jetta hatchback, we wouldn't have a seat for a Thrax.
Well, if it comes down to HDTV or Thrax, of course the right choice was TV. Thrax's comfort be damned, we crammed him into a tiny Thrax-sized divot in the very very way back of the car. **** 'im.
Of course, the setup and initial consumption of 300 in 1080p was incredibly sublime, and does not need to be discussed lest we appear to be rubbing it in. All I can say is: HAHAHAH SUCKERS

Thrax crammed into his pocket o' VW

We just had no concern at all for his comfort or safety

Keebler flaccid - post 300

This is doing it no justice. It must be seen to be believed.

Thrax gets his Forza II on.
Gaming in 1080p is FANTASTIC. Enjoy your purchase.
except for thrax it would seem
(Oh, and nice TV btw...but Sharp Aquos pwns all...hehehe) Welcome to the 1080P 46" TV club... I've been lonely since April.
It actually runs quite cool.
Also, a flaccid Keebs is NOT a fun Keebs.
That's not what the corporate giants tell me! I must do what they say!
Nice acquisition there boys!
It's quite exciting getting a tv like that, good going guys
you mean the TV, or Gnome_queen?
I can't wait to see the 360 and ps3 at 1080p
HDMI & xbox 360 sweet.