Due to Southwest and their new stupid ticket policy I will not be able to make it. :mad2:
I have exactly 3 tickets earned through my rapid rewards and I have 3 trips I need tickets for... IC Pattys Day Party, Friends graduation in May, and IC LAN in June.
Well apparently Southwest has decided that "high traffic dates" can require more than one ticket. So to go to IC HQ next week (I'm guessing spring break is high traffic, dunno) I would have to burn two of my tickets for one trip. Resulting in me having to sit this one out.
In honor of St. Pattys day I'll be growin the red beard out and still drinking beers over the interweb with everyone.
sharkydart is literally on the line you have drawn across the map.
Yes - the problem wasn't resolved; maybe with a thinner border it could be...
or maybe we should reduce the bidding to $5! (for a limited time only)
($5 will not "make you holla'" however...unless you're female; then we might be able to work something out )
I-75 closed between Rosa Parks Boulevard and Clark Street until Dec. 2009!
Please be sure to keep this in mind when planning your routes north. As I understand, the detour is relatively smooth, but you should be prepared no less.
One week until IC St Patty's!!!!
I just realized I have a quiz/test/midterm thing next friday, so I won't be able to go with you fatcat
we have also lost brother jared, something about southwest ****ing him on flyer reward miles
I have exactly 3 tickets earned through my rapid rewards and I have 3 trips I need tickets for... IC Pattys Day Party, Friends graduation in May, and IC LAN in June.
Well apparently Southwest has decided that "high traffic dates" can require more than one ticket. So to go to IC HQ next week (I'm guessing spring break is high traffic, dunno) I would have to burn two of my tickets for one trip. Resulting in me having to sit this one out.
In honor of St. Pattys day I'll be growin the red beard out and still drinking beers over the interweb with everyone.
Yes - the problem wasn't resolved; maybe with a thinner border it could be...
or maybe we should reduce the bidding to $5! (for a limited time only)
($5 will not "make you holla'" however...unless you're female; then we might be able to work something out )
Please be sure to keep this in mind when planning your routes north. As I understand, the detour is relatively smooth, but you should be prepared no less.
Jimmy, you are so FAIL!
condoms, check. anal lube, check.
/me checks kitchen
rum, check
tequlia, check
vodka, check
beers, check
I'm prepared!
condoms, check. anal lube, check.
/me checks kitchen
rum, check
tequlia, check
vodka, check
beers, check
I'm prepared!
No handcuffs,no whips,no chains,no leather you're not ready for StainMeNow:D
Also the_technocrat call and confimed, HE WILL BE HERE!