Thoughts about site concept
Houston, TX Icrontian
Well, I'm redesigning my chapter's site. It will be wider when coded, but it's just a concept to get an idea of things. I'm not totally sold on the menu bar either. Feedback is appreciated.
I like the title font a lot. You might consider mirroring it in the "Truth, Courage, etc" motto at the bottom. The nav bar looks a little oddly faded and has a sorta out-of-place font face with all that bold design around it.
Have you considered using the coat of arms for inspiration? It looks really classy and provides you with both a palette and some iconography. I'd be delighted to have such a logical starting place for a design.
From a functionality perspective, don't underestimate the amount of work adding a "search" will create and consider whether it will really be necessary for a Chapter's website.
I am also not a huge fan of the sans-serif arial right next to the adobe Caslon which has pretty exaggerated serifs. Do you think I should go with a times font instead of the defacto arial that seems commonplace in web design? The search box can be removed relatively easily from the design. just one group of layers in photoshop. The top black bar is gonna be the cookie crumb holder. Menu bars always elude me. I've never been much good at designing them.
Content in a table is the last content to be displayed when loading. Content loaded in a DIV is displayed as it is available. It's rather insignificant with today's broadband penetration rate, but it also has the added benefit of being very browser-friendly.
Tables are oogly.
The background needs to change to something much more neutral, it detracts so intensely from the main page that I see nothing else.
The colors of the fraternity are not present in the coat of arms, which means you could opt for a more neutral color scheme all around.
You have competing gradients between the main table and the background, as well as the falloff below the main information table.
The menu bar seems rather haphazardly thrown into the table without much consideration, it doesn't relate to the color scheme and the soft edges are fairly obtrusive, the search bar operates in a similar manner.
Typographically, you do need more consistency. On one hand you're using Adobe Caslon, simply an updated version of a centuries old font, with arial, a modern invention. Caslon also has problems having its capitals displayed online, which is why you get the tops of the T cut off, and it looks very strange. You should consider Mrs. Eaves, Baskerville, Didot--if you want larger stroke contrast--and maybe Bodoni. Looking at old literature from the frat will help give you some historical context for their choices perhaps.
Also, on a minor not at the bottom you've simply leaned Caslon over, and that's not an intelligent decision typographically. Fonts have italics for a reason, they are entirely different typesets.
At any rate, I guess we'll see what I come up with in a few days.