hardware prices and a memory question

MoTHA_NaTuREMoTHA_NaTuRE All over this bizzatch called FL
edited December 2003 in Hardware
:banghead: omg, i deposited money in the bank today to buy me the nf7-s on newegg, and what did i see? the price of the board and the barton 2500+ went up. this is really frustrating, now ill prolly wait till it go back down.

anyways, just got me some 512mb kingston hyper-x pc-4000. are these any good? got it for a good price, so i just took it.

argh, finals are just around the corner, especially chemistry, im so screwed. :eek3:


  • ketoketo Occupied. Or is it preoccupied? Icrontian
    edited December 2003
    That memory's great for a high fsb Intel system but not so great at all on an AMD system, timings are likely to be CAS3 or at BEST CAS2.5 (not likely).
  • SimGuySimGuy Ottawa, Canada
    edited December 2003
    Probably only good for 3-4-4-8.... and probably nothing lower than 3-3-3-7.

    //Edit: Yep, 3-4-4-8 @ 2.6V Data Sheet
  • MoTHA_NaTuREMoTHA_NaTuRE All over this bizzatch called FL
    edited December 2003
    more bad news, don't make me go intel!
  • SimGuySimGuy Ottawa, Canada
    edited December 2003
    MoTHA_NaTuRE had this to say
    more bad news, don't make me go intel!

    Sell it to an Intel person and get some good Corsair XMS3200-LL or 3500-LL for use with your AMD system :D

    That being said... I don't need memory.... yet...
  • MoTHA_NaTuREMoTHA_NaTuRE All over this bizzatch called FL
    edited December 2003
    kind of sux when you have to downgrade memory.
    if i sell this, ill prolly sell it at $120 each, is that a good price? no clue
    but, hmmmm, if i buy an intel system equivalent to a 2500 barton and nf7-s, will it be about the same price?
  • a2jfreaka2jfreak Houston, TX Member
    edited December 2003
    Where'd you get the RAM, Motha? If it was NewEgg you might can return it as "not compatible." Of course, I'd tell them the true reason (don't need it for AMD systems) as NewEgg is a class-act vendor.

    If you didn't get it from NewEgg, then I guess selling it to someone else is the best you can do . . . either that or live w/ the memory and just run it @ PC3200/3500 speeds and it will possibly reach 2-3-3-6, or 2-2-2-4 but no guarantees.
  • MoTHA_NaTuREMoTHA_NaTuRE All over this bizzatch called FL
    edited December 2003
    right now at this point, i have no clue, heh
    i just don't like going thru more hassle.

    but really though, i have no preference between AMD and Intel, although i have been using amd for a while. last time i used intel was a p-II 350.

    but if i can get a good intel system at a good price, ill prolly just go ahead and do it. if not, then ill just go as planned and play with ram settings. as long as i can still get 200fsb out of a barton, im happy. i don't think tighter ram settings will be that noticeable.
  • ClutchClutch North Carolina New
    edited December 2003
    You stick around here long enough and you will have a preference for sure :)
  • MoTHA_NaTuREMoTHA_NaTuRE All over this bizzatch called FL
    edited December 2003
    well i can get 2 amd setups for the price of one intel setup, intel is mocking me
  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited December 2003
    The 4000 should have no trouble doing 2/2/2 at 220. It'll be fine.. No reason at all to sell it.
  • Al_CapownAl_Capown Indiana
    edited December 2003
    Thrax had this to say
    The 4000 should have no trouble doing 2/2/2 at 220. It'll be fine.. No reason at all to sell it.

    Wow I'm suprised. Thrax = wrong. The newer pc3700(some), pc4000, and pc4200 do not run at 2/2/2 timings no matter how low you set the memory. This is a common misconception, but if you check some newegg reviews you will see some people who bought pc4000 with the intention of putting it in an amd system, but later found out it wouldn't run at low timings.

    For example:
    "Terrible memory for my NForce2 system. The best it runs is 7,3,3 C3 @ 200FSB. Anything above and my NF7-S just beeps. Keep in mind also that my system runs 240FSB with PC3700 memory."

    These high fsb memory chips do not run low timings no matter what the speed they are running at.
  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited December 2003
    I said <i>should</i>. Not will.

    But, several websites on google showed no issues with AMD boards and the PC4000 running at 2/2/2 at 200MHz. I crawled through the first six pages or so under this string: "Kingston PC4000 Review"
  • MoTHA_NaTuREMoTHA_NaTuRE All over this bizzatch called FL
    edited December 2003
    i feel like im running around in circles now, heh

    if i go intel, p4 2.6c and abit ic7-max3 = good combo? i have a slk-800u already. soooo much money sooooo much money, which i don't have
  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited December 2003
    Why would you bother spending that much ****ing money, which is MORE of a hassle than just cancelling your order, or returning your order for Corsair XMS3200/3500 LL memory?
  • Al_CapownAl_Capown Indiana
    edited December 2003
    Thrax had this to say
    I said <i>should</i>. Not will.

    But, several websites on google showed no issues with AMD boards and the PC4000 running at 2/2/2 at 200MHz. I crawled through the first six pages or so under this string: "Kingston PC4000 Review"

    Link please :D I can't say I've seen any pc4000 that will run at 2/2/2. Envynews seems to agree with me
    "The next step was to now see how high I could go with this timing. I could run the memory at 220 with the timing 2.5-3-3-5-1"

    Along with Speedy3d.com
    "However, to reach fast 2-3-2-6-1 timing at lower speeds we needed to increase the voltage to at least v2.7 for 200MHz and up to v2.8 for semi-reliability at 216MHz with fast timing."

    Also Motha_Nature, the slk800 does not work with p4's so I recommend you sell the memory & buy some XMS pc3200.
  • a2jfreaka2jfreak Houston, TX Member
    edited December 2003
    Motha just needs to wait and see how his memory will perform in an NF7-S and then decide whether to get PC3200/PC3500 or keep the PC4000.
  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited December 2003
    Thrax had this to say
    The 4000 should have no trouble doing 2/2/2 at 220. It'll be fine.. No reason at all to sell it.

    You said should, but you also said "It'll be fine" It'll being a contraction of "It Will" -- so in essence you said "It should ... it will be fine".. :D

    Pedantism is contagious, Thraxy ;D
  • ketoketo Occupied. Or is it preoccupied? Icrontian
    edited December 2003
    'fraid I'm with Al on this one Thrax, I've read dozens of reviews, not just on Kinston but on all brands of PC4000 & 4200. I can't *recall* seeing a reviewer get ANY of them to run under CAS2.5, usually like 2.5-4-4-7 is tightest. Ahh that's @ 200fsb, haven't seen anyone try @ 133 or 166, where it might just do it.
  • SimGuySimGuy Ottawa, Canada
    edited December 2003
    Keto, I've tried XMS3700 @ 133 MHz and @ 2.8V, it won't do under 3-3-3-7.

    Bumped the voltage up to 3.2V (as much as this board can theoretically deliver, realistically it was 2.9-3.0V) @ 133 MHz and it ran 2.5-3-3-7. No further.

    Then again, this XMS3700 stuff isn't meant for low-timings. It's designed for insanely high FSB's, reaching DDR500 at 3-4-4-7 at 2.9V.
  • SimGuySimGuy Ottawa, Canada
    edited December 2003
    Al_Capown had this to say
    Thrax had this to say
    I said &lt;i&gt;should&lt;/i&gt;. Not will.

    But, several websites on google showed no issues with AMD boards and the PC4000 running at 2/2/2 at 200MHz. I crawled through the first six pages or so under this string: &quot;Kingston PC4000 Review&quot;

    Link please :D I can't say I've seen any pc4000 that will run at 2/2/2. Envynews seems to agree with me
    "The next step was to now see how high I could go with this timing. I could run the memory at 220 with the timing 2.5-3-3-5-1"

    Along with Speedy3d.com
    "However, to reach fast 2-3-2-6-1 timing at lower speeds we needed to increase the voltage to at least v2.7 for 200MHz and up to v2.8 for semi-reliability at 216MHz with fast timing."

    Also Motha_Nature, the slk800 does not work with p4's so I recommend you sell the memory & buy some XMS pc3200.

    Al, the SLK-800U will work with the P4's as its' designed to mount using a rear-X plate through the standard P4 Heatsink Retension Mechanism screw-holes. :)
  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited December 2003
    Cool beans.

    I stand corrected. What a quirky problem.
  • Geeky1Geeky1 University of the Pacific (Stockton, CA, USA)
    edited December 2003
    Apparently the guys responsible for the P4 now work for whoever makes Kingston's chips...
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