On the subject I also noticed someone called Mobberley has been attacked a few times by someone in a tiny alliance - but they havent asked for any help?!
I just messaged that idiot and warned them to knock it off.
ok.. so, being new to this alliance game.... is this the best place to post if I see someone being attacked - even if they dont say anything themselves?
ok.. so, being new to this alliance game.... is this the best place to post if I see someone being attacked - even if they dont say anything themselves?
Never hurts to points it out. I actually noticed it first in the logs... I try to keep an eye out when I'm around.
just saw in the attack logs that UPSKingpin and razar12 been attacked... razar was by a LEG ZERO guy and lost loads of res but no wheat, but UPS was by a one man alliance and too far from me to be able to offer him/her any help
just saw in the attack logs that UPSKingpin and razar12 been attacked... razar was by a LEG ZERO guy and lost loads of res but no wheat, but UPS was by a one man alliance and too far from me to be able to offer him/her any help
I sent a msg to the attacker of UPS warning him off.
billie99 is under my protection! so be warned dont attack unless you think you got the guts to stand upto it!!!
simba meant the other way around obviously... he's under protection from this person (apparently, since you can't always trust these claims) http://speed.travian.co.uk/spieler.php?uid=3089
who is still far far away from simba, and so little protection possible.
sometimes noobs find a large player, and put them on their profile, hoping that they'll never see it anyway, and send messages along the lines of:
'attack me again and so-and-so is gonna kill you'
i usually message so-and-so, and find out if they are protecting them, which they usually aren't... and so farming ensues
i usually message so-and-so, and find out if they are protecting them, which they usually aren't... and so farming ensues
I was about to mention that. If they aren't actually under protection, then the liar may draw the ire of the said person who was supposedly the protector.
Also, I want to apologize to sidekick for giving him such a hard time yesterday. I was pi$$ed yesterday losing my troops that way. You have to understand that I have lost two villages by two different players and yes, I feel burned greatly for that so those troops are very important to me. If I wasn't surprised by my troops dying and had that been all your own muscle, I probably would have patted you on the back. That guy probably wasn't expected to have his force decimated like they were.
You are lucky that things are stable for you with no attacks coming to your doors. I can understand building defense would be boring for you and how you are itch'n to conquer and devour other people. This is fine if you pick your targets carefully and do not bite off more then you can chew. In this regard, the goal is to make smart decisions with sound strategy that benefits our alliance, not weakens it.
Just remember that at any moment you can be a singled out as somebody's new potential farm or target to conquer. In that sense, it is very important to be strong defensively, first. Strong for yourself and for your teammates when they become targets. Nobody is saying to give up on your offense, just pay attention to your defense at the same time.
So, here's my olive branch sidekick. No hard feelings?
Oh man..silkesvarten just owned my rival, Uladh, where my old village was. He actually took Uladh's capital that had about 600 pop. Uladh either left his alliance or they booted him. Poor guy
When you all restart, you definitely have to go after silkesvarten when you're done with godsend
dunno, but this Scoob been attacking people I never heard of all night - he/she is a MYTH A member
ok.. so, being new to this alliance game.... is this the best place to post if I see someone being attacked - even if they dont say anything themselves?
just under 2 hours away
I sent a msg to the attacker of UPS warning him off.
good good.. didnt think he would listen to me what with it taking me like a week to get there
who is still far far away from simba, and so little protection possible.
I would leave the warning's to the big guys, you might end up getting your arse kicked, Micky................
But shows what a caring person you are - must be your upbringing ha ha
'attack me again and so-and-so is gonna kill you'
i usually message so-and-so, and find out if they are protecting them, which they usually aren't... and so farming ensues
I was about to mention that. If they aren't actually under protection, then the liar may draw the ire of the said person who was supposedly the protector.
You are lucky that things are stable for you with no attacks coming to your doors. I can understand building defense would be boring for you and how you are itch'n to conquer and devour other people. This is fine if you pick your targets carefully and do not bite off more then you can chew. In this regard, the goal is to make smart decisions with sound strategy that benefits our alliance, not weakens it.
Just remember that at any moment you can be a singled out as somebody's new potential farm or target to conquer. In that sense, it is very important to be strong defensively, first. Strong for yourself and for your teammates when they become targets. Nobody is saying to give up on your offense, just pay attention to your defense at the same time.
So, here's my olive branch sidekick. No hard feelings?
Great, thanks sidekick.
have you seen the attack logs?!?! jiriki from ZERO X has attacked valrius. he stole 44k of each resource!!
When you all restart, you definitely have to go after silkesvarten when you're done with godsend
They've been fighting back and forth since he joined the alliance and probably before. I'm not too worried about it.