Just checked... yep. Same thing. This area is now no mans land. No new visitor to my area. Time to build...
Hold on a minute, I was banned in the early days for a 2nd account. After I pleaded ignorance and proved the 1st account was already in deletion mode before my ban was instigated, the MH un-banned me (still deducted me 50% of resources though).
It may only be a suspension for a period of time.
I would want full clarification from the MH as to whether its a permanent ban or just a period of suspension and possible loss of some villages / resources.
until he is un-banned and wipes every village around us with one mighty WHOOSHHHHHHH.
I will ask if I need to EVER worry about godsend. The big thing here is that the game is approaching the end. They may just say... "Sorry GoDsenD, it's too close to the end game, wait a few weeks and start fresh somewhere else."
two weeks is almost the start of the end-game, so GoDsenD & co will be kicking themselves for being banned at this late stage, since they'll have worked from the beginning of the server.
it sure sucks to be them!
According to fourstar... Ban last some set duration depending on the severity of rule broken. It also come with a penalty, like 10% reduction in population, troops, buildings, resources... Please keep track of population. someone post it for me so we can track it. Go to go...
So would you still get that if you attack the oases he owns rather than his villages ?
A New Holy Day. Rest In Pieces, Bastard
Hold on a minute, I was banned in the early days for a 2nd account. After I pleaded ignorance and proved the 1st account was already in deletion mode before my ban was instigated, the MH un-banned me (still deducted me 50% of resources though).
It may only be a suspension for a period of time.
I would want full clarification from the MH as to whether its a permanent ban or just a period of suspension and possible loss of some villages / resources.
I will ask if I need to EVER worry about godsend. The big thing here is that the game is approaching the end. They may just say... "Sorry GoDsenD, it's too close to the end game, wait a few weeks and start fresh somewhere else."
Take a look at the "Events" tab of this site.
All but 2 villages conquered by him were {IC}
Can we attack to get our villages back?
you can't attack banned players
it sure sucks to be them!
GodSend - 10
Icrontic - Win!
True dat!
Actually I DID message the admin several days ago BEFORE godsend took your village.
Too bad I didn't get this response when I originally messaged a MH. Only felix would have lost a village.