Oxford, MI
My MSN dial up subscription is about to expire. I am looking for a new provider. I am not sure which direction to go, cable? DSL? I am sure some of the Short-media members have some input on this topic. If you wouldn't mind sharing some opinons with me I would appreciate it. Please keep in mind I don't not want to fork out a ton of cash monthly. Oh yeah, I really don't like AOL. Any ideas? Thanks
This guy is a friend of mine who signed up about 6 months ago
Anyways, welcome to the forums
Okay, is Wide Open West cable available in Oxford? My parents who are like anti-tech just got WOW cable for $17.95 a month. It's only 128K, which is only a bit faster than dialup, but hey, at least it's a start.
Sorry for crapping on the thread. Good luck in your ISP search.
Welcome to S-M!
Yes, definitely go with a self-install kit, either from a retail store or from the cable company itself. You'll save yourself a lot of money.
Every page you view has to be downloaded at some point. Maybe you're using one of those programs that pre-cache pages linked to the main page (the equivalent of download the whole site in one shot) in which case secondary pages will appear instantly. You still have to download the page. As far as using the "Forward" and "Back" buttons, you won't see much improvement the second time you view the page.
There are five main advantages:
1) The huge speed increase already mentioned
2) The fact that you are always connected (no thumb-twiddling waiting for your modem to dial and get authorization, etc)
3) Greater reliabilty. Unless dial-up has changed significantly in the last few years, you probably get bumped off line often enough to irritate you
4) Cable leaves your phone line free (or eliminates the need for a second phone line just for the computer)
5) With a cheap router, you can have multiple computers online simultaneously
I think your point about your neighbor being on an emachine might have something to do with your not being so impressed, although I have a K6-3/400 in the bedroom which cooks right along on the Internet (but not on much else! ).