Serious issue with HTML support.

KhaosKhaos New Hampshire
edited June 2003 in Community
If you use greater-than or less-than symbols, one of a few things typically goes wrong:

First, even if it isn't HTML, it is treated as such and doesn't display. Second, if you use an opening less-than sign but don't close it, everything you write from that point on will not appear.

For example..... I'm going to make a less-than sign right NOW (You won't be able to see it) <And nothing else that I have typed will appear.

>Now I closed it for the sake of typing something else, however, there is text within the signs that is not appearing. This is not good because people typically use these signs to indicate whether something is "less than" or "greater than" something else.

It's difficult to say what the problem is.

Possible solutions look ugly in terms of CPU usage. One way to weed out a lot of these occurrences is to check to see whether a space comes after a less-than sign and before a greater-than sign. If so, obviously it is not an HTML tag. At that point, the last less-than can be converted to < and the next greater-than (If it appears before the next less-than) can be converted to > because clearly these are not valid HTML tags and they were used by the poster to indicate quanity, chronological order or some amount.

Another solution is to convert all greater-than and less-than signs to > and < unless they match up with an entry in WC3's sanctioned list of HTML tags... Or maybe VB already has a list of allowed HTML tags. After all, some tags are blocked, so they must have a list of either blocked tags or allowed tags.

Anyway, I think this may < only happen when > there isn't a space between the < and the word/letter immediately following it.


  • dodododo Landisville, PA
    edited June 2003
    Isnt there some combination of characters that represent the less-than sign? like &%(, something?

  • KwitkoKwitko Sheriff of Banning (Retired) By the thing near the stuff Icrontian
    edited June 2003
    Well, to display code in the forums, you can &gt; for > and &lt; for < or use the PHP tag:

  • KhaosKhaos New Hampshire
    edited June 2003
    No, I think you misunderstood me. If someone is simply typing and they wish to say, for example, all Via chipsets before KT333, they might type <KT333 however, if they don't use the markup code for less-than, then it will get screwed up... Everything from the lt on will just disappear. I'm not sure if this is recoverable or not, but it definitely messes up display of posts.

    Try it, it 'works' in preview too.
    Isnt there some combination of characters that represent the less-than sign? like &%(, something?
    Yes, but that isn't the point - The point is that unless it is an HTML tag or at least LOOKS like an HTML tag, then < and > should not be special characters. Note that the bug only occurs when there isn't a space after the lt, <like this. If you try to type that without using the markup code (For lack of the proper term for those HTML special character codes) then all the text afterwards and including it disappears.
  • ShortyShorty Manchester, UK Icrontian
    edited June 2003
    Vbulletin has limited support for HTML. I know it is a problem, ask Thrax.. he has bemoaned the inability to use fully compliant HTML in Vbulletin forums for some time now.

    HTML is actually off by default in almost all forums using VB. It's classed as a security vulnerability.

    I don't think there is much of a fix. :(
  • BlackHawkBlackHawk
    remebers a member by the name of Shaq and his sigs like a year ago
    Bible music connoisseur There's no place like Icrontian
    edited June 2003
    remebers a member by the name of Shaq and his sigs like a year ago
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